Mum issues warning to parents after toddler's 'freak' burns on kitchen flooring

Roman Woolhouse suffered burns on his foot from the hot kitchen flooring <i>(Image: Kennedy News)</i>
Roman Woolhouse suffered burns on his foot from the hot kitchen flooring (Image: Kennedy News)

A mum has issued a warning to other parents over “trendy” kitchen floors, after the slate baked in the hot weather and burned the sole of her toddler’s foot.

Romain Woolhouse was having his nappy changed at his gran's house when he wriggled free and made a dash to the kitchen to race into the garden.

But the 16-month-old tot couldn't get out as the patio door was closed so stood in the sun-drenched spot for a few seconds.

It was then, his horrified mum Melanie Kay says, he let out an ear-piercing scream prompting his gran to race into the kitchen and scoop him up.

Roman Woolhouse suffered burns on his foot from the hot kitchen flooring (Image: Kennedy News)

Initially thinking he'd trodden on something his concerned gran checked his right foot only to discover a huge blister bubble up on the sole and one of his toes.

After running the burn under the cold water tap she raced to hospital with him - ringing 39-year-old Melanie to let her know what had happened.

Doctors checked Romain over, opting to pop and scrape the two-inch long blister before dressing it with an antiseptic pad and bandaging it up.

Melanie, from Barton-upon-Humber, Lincolnshire, said: "My mother-in-law was looking after him for the day, she's absolutely devastated about it

"I would never have thought about indoor floor tiles. It's so freaky, you couldn't predict it.

"It was super, super hot. Children and animals don't have the reflexes to jump off. In the sun, flooring can get up to 80-degree Celsius.

"She scooped him up straight away and the blister was instant, it's a two-inch by two-inch blister and a toe blister as well."

Now Melanie is urging other parents to be mindful of the potential hazard.

She said: "It's astounding. You wouldn't think of something like this happening because you have a false sense of security in your own home.

"Lots of other people were quite shocked by it as well, they said they would never think about something inside the home being such a hazard. It's quite freaky isn't it?

"My message to parents is just to be really careful of hazards in the hot weather not just outdoors but indoors and to take some steps like covering windows with curtains or blinds."