Mum's brain tumour went undiagnosed for 26 years - then she was given just two to live

Clare 12 years post-diagnosis
Clare 12 years post-diagnosis -Credit:Brain Tumour Research© SWNS

A Devon-based mother of three has been left with life-altering disabilities after her brain tumour went undiagnosed for over two decades. Clare Rapley, from South Devon, began experiencing hearing loss in her right ear at the tender age of nine, but it took a staggering 26 years for it to be confirmed as a symptom of a brain tumour.

The 48 year old former duty manager for Lidl was eventually sent for an MRI scan at North Devon District Hospital in August 2011 after failing a hearing test. The scan revealed a 5.5cm tumour and two cysts growing on her brain.

She was diagnosed with acoustic neuroma, a benign tumour that can lead to deteriorating hearing and balance function. If left untreated, it can result in a dangerous accumulation of fluid in the brain or compression of the cerebellum and brain stem, both of which can be fatal.

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Reflecting on when her symptoms first emerged during her childhood, Clare said: "My parents took me to the GP who told them there was nothing wrong with my hearing despite struggling through my studies."

"Even into my adult life, a GP suggested to get my ears syringed but when I turned up to have it done, they said my ears were as clear as could be. It got to a point where I wasn't sure if I was imagining it.", reports DevonLive.

Clare Rapley with her dog Percy
Clare Rapley with her dog Percy -Credit:Submitted

"Eventually, a colleague at the time encouraged me to go for a hearing test after he thought I was ignoring him on the shop floor."

After being diagnosed with a brain tumour, Clare says a neurosurgeon told her that without treatment she had a maximum of two years to live.

She said: "I struggled to digest the news. The following day, I had a stroke and spent a month in Derriford Hospital where I had an operation to remove the tumour."

Clare Rapley with her son Jak
Clare Rapley with her son Jak -Credit:Submitted

As a result of her 17-hour operation, Clare was left with life-changing injuries including impaired vision, facial paralysis and epilepsy.

Clare recalled: "I had to have the corners of my right eye sewn together to allow me to blink. This changed my appearance, but I'm now used to the way I look. I struggle with depth perception, coordination and balance so I use a walking aid to help me move safely."

She added: "My brain tumour has changed the course of my life. I left school at 15 having had a difficult time growing up due to my hearing loss, but it has made me more determined to succeed in everything I try."

Clare, who is part way through an Open University master's degree in forensic psychology after graduating with a 2:1 in the subject in 2021, has now set herself a month-long challenge to raise awareness of the disease. She will be taking part in 200k in May Your Way in aid of the charity Brain Tumour Research.

She plans to walk in the company of her maltipoo, Percy, to achieve the 200km distance throughout the month, beginning on Wednesday, May 1.

Clare said: "I'm out with Percy all the time. We cover about five miles each day so I'm confident I can complete this challenge. It means a lot to be able to share my story.

"I don't want other people to suffer. We must invest in research into brain tumours if we are to find less invasive treatments and ultimately a cure to save future generations."

Clare Rapley's brain surgery scar after her operation
Clare Rapley's brain surgery scar after her operation -Credit:Submitted

Louise Aubrey, community development manager at Brain Tumour Research, said: "Sadly, Clare's story is not unique. One in three of us knows someone affected by a brain tumour, yet just one per cent of the national spend on cancer research has been allocated to brain tumours since records began in 2002.

"We're determined to change this, but we can't do it alone. We're really grateful to Clare for her support and wish her the best of luck with her challenge. Participants can walk, jog, run, cycle, swim, or combine activities; so there really is something for everyone. Anyone wishing to register for 200k in May Your Way, can visit"

Donations to Brain Tumour Research for Clare's challenge can be made here.