Mystery over Newark 'UFO' which stays for two hours then disappears

Solid circular white light on black sky background, screenshot from video clip
-Credit: (Image: Alfie Boyle)

A mystery object in the sky above Newark has baffled a resident - who says he thinks it could be a UFO. Alfie Boyle, who lives on Chatsworth Road in the town, says he has been seeing the curious bright light above his house for a couple of years before he decided to film it on Friday, May 17.

The light will stay in the sky in the same place for around two hours before starting to move in the same way it came from, Alfie explained. On this occasion, he'd spotted it while out looking for meteor showers and the Northern Lights.

Alfie said: "I've seen it multiple times. It's always at around the same time of night when the stars come out. It confuses me. I didn't know what to think. My instant thought was: 'What is that? That's not a plane.' A plane flashes and you can hear it. This is solid white, moving slowly. It's too smooth to be a plane.

"I don't want to sound ridiculous, but possibly it's a UFO. You can see where I'm coming from. Stars don't stay there for two hours then start moving either. It doesn't look like a shooting star either because shooting stars don't stop."

A couple of years ago, Alfie saw the light come "from where the sun set, all the way across, very very slowly". On his video filmed on Friday, May 17, the circular blob appears too small to be the moon but too stationary and too far away to be a plane or a helicopter.

The 22-second clip shows it linger in the sky before moving out of sight above Alfie's home.