'We have nail bars, vape shops and takeaways - what we really need is love and money'

Castle Street.
It's the heart of Edgeley - but some say it needs improving. -Credit:Kenny Brown / MEN

A short walk from Stockport train station brings into view the red brick terraces of Edgeley. It's the home of Stockport County football club and is an area known for its proud and tight-knit community.

But locals say the area has suffered years of neglect, with independent councillors - from the Edgeley Community Association - saying it needs millions in investment to fulfil its potential.

Calls for a 'fundamental upgrade' to the high street have been made, including improved public spaces to fit tables and chairs on the pavements, more greenery, and new crossing points for shoppers navigating the roads.

And they are looking to Manchester areas which have been earmarked for investment - like Withington and Moston - for inspiration.

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Last year, £3 million of government funding was awarded to make improvements to Moston Lane and Withington high street.

The plan involves a new public square and outdoor seating in Withington, with Moston set to get improvements to green areas at Peace Gardens and Moston Green, and improved pedestrian crossings.

It's part of a scheme to create better public spaces and kickstart regeneration in the areas.

In Edgeley, Castle Street is a meeting point for many in the neighbourhood, and recently hosted jubilant Stockport County fans celebrating the club's promotion to League One.

Some people in the area feel the mix of shops on the street has dwindled too much, leaving it with little to attract more footfall. Sivori's café is one establishment that has been part of Castle Street for more than 70 years, with customers who keep coming back.

'It's all takeaways and nails here'

Paul Sivori and his son Alessio run the business, but they worry about whether there's enough on offer in the area.

Alessio said: "Business is good, we have a lot of regular customers, but there's not loads of footfall here. It's not as much as you would think for a high street that should be busy. There's not much reason for people to come here other than food."

Paul added: "It needs different types of shops and outlets, there's nothing like that really here. They need more butchers and things like that, shops and independents.

"It's all takeaways and nails here. A lot of people park here and go to Manchester so the street is sometimes very quiet."

Across the way in Stockport town centre, upgrades to transport facilities and the construction of new flats have created a feeling that things are on the up.

It's a sentiment that's been recognised nationally, with the town recently being named the best place to live in the Northwest by the Sunday Times.

But areas around the borough do face challenges - whether it's deprivation, in communities like Adswood, or traffic issues.

'Massive implications'

In Edgeley two bridges into the area are set to be replaced, one at the armoury roundabout at the top end of Castle Street.

This work could have 'massive implications' for businesses in Edgeley, according to local councillor Matt Wynne, as traffic is expected to be diverted to other routes, with drivers facing potential difficulty in getting to the area's shops.

He also warned that the engineering works could see thousands of Stockport County fans having to find new routes through the area's housing estates to get to the football stadium - adding traffic and congestion to some of Edgeley's streets.

The council's transport chief, Coun Grace Baynham, has said the projects will cause disruption to the 'to the whole borough' of Stockport, but 'especially' Edgeley.

This comes on top of a long-standing issue of commuters parking in Edgeley and then taking a train to Manchester city centre for work, causing issues for local businesspeople like Barry Pearce, the owner of Edgeley Sports & Fishing.

There's a lot of parking but the problem is it's cheaper than the train station so people are coming here instead, so my customers struggle to find a parking space," he said.

Castle Street.
Some Castle Street businesses said parking is an issue. -Credit:Kenny Brown / MEN

'The street needs opening up'

Tweedies is another shop that's been a part of Castle Street for decades.

The family furniture firm occupies a large shop about halfway down the high street, standing out among the takeaways and discount shops.

Members of the family said they worry about the number of buildings around the area that are becoming residential.

Stuart Tweedie said: "They need to stop turning properties into flats because by the time they're done there won't be any shops left here."

Sections of Castle Street are pedestrianised, with cars still able to drive down most of the road and compete for its parking spaces - but Russell, who also works at Tweedies, feels this needs to change so cars can get to and from the area more easily.

"The main thing is opening the street back up so the traffic can flow freely again. It's always been a bustling area but in terms of shops it's all the same, it needs something different."

Castle Street.
A councillor said the footways should be widened to make more space for people. -Credit:Kenny Brown / MEN

The topic of high streets is political, with the Labour Party making a recent pledge to breathe new life into the UK's high streets.

At a local level on Stockport council, Edgeley is represented by three councillors from the Edgeley Community Association (ECA), a group which was formed to represent the interests of the neighbourhood.

Matt Wynne, leader of the ECA, said his group is working on making improvements to the area, but that a 'fundamental upgrade' is needed.

He claims Castle Street has been 'neglected' for years, with ageing signage and the lack of retail variety part of the decline. Nonetheless he sees reason for optimism.

"You would be surprised but the vacancy rate for units on Castle Street is quite low in comparison to other high streets in inner town areas across the land," he said.

"The problem is the variety of amenities - instead of greengrocers, butchers, etc., we have a saturation of nail bars, vape shops and takeaways."

Mr Wynne added that more needs to be done to improve Castle Street, and that he would like to see changes to the pavements to open them for businesses to use.

He added: "The goal is a fundamental upgrade to the public realm - widened footways that will allow tables and chairs to go out proper, where people can stop and chat in the street rather than have to jockey for room.

"Building out crossing points that will address head on the issue of anti-social behaviour on there, such as shocking parking that stops vulnerable patrons using the district centre with ease. Installation of trees and greenery that massively lifts up the public realm.

"We're hoping we can get to the point where like Moston and Withington district centres in Manchester are at, in receiving several million pound central government grants to upgrade the public realm.

"We have people saying to us drop it and start again but we believe it holds its own. It just needs the love and the money."

Stockport council has been contacted for comment.