Names and faces of 20 criminals who have faced justice in Lancashire this week

Mugshot of three criminals
John Germaine, Gillian Melville and Daniel Heeley were three of many criminals to face justice -Credit:National Crime Agency

Drug dealers, knife wielding thugs and a foul mouthed aeroplane passenger.

These are among those to have found themselves in the dock this week. Every month, dozens of crooks are brought to justice and LancsLive reporters are on hand to report on the most serious cases.

Here we take a look at the criminals who have been in court this week.


Police follow drug-trafficking line trail straight to dealer's front door

A drug dealer known as 'Scouse Jay Jay' has been put behind bars for six years after a successful county lines crackdown operation. The police, hot on the heels of a drug trafficking network, traced the operation right back to his doorstep. Christopher Flynn, 35, was connected to the "Scouse Jay Jay" county lines scheme, which distributed crack cocaine and heroin throughout Chorley.

Officers from Project Medusa, an initiative by Merseyside Police aimed at tackling drug dealing and the exploitation of children, apprehended him at his home on Woolfall Heath Avenue, Huyton, in February. He appeared at Liverpool Crown Court on Monday (April 8) where he was sentenced to six years in prison after pleading guilty to being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs (crack cocaine and heroin).

FULL STORY: Police follow drug trafficking line trail straight to dealer's front door

He took a bread knife to the Adelphi, swallowed a bag of heroin outside McDonald's then bit police officer

A mugshot of Brandon Brook
Christopher Flynn was sentenced to six years in prison

A serial offender who had a bread knife in Friargate bit a custody officer who was locking him up. Brandon Brook, 25, was seen with the knife near the Adelphi pub, Preston, on February 24, 2024. A member of the public called the police who chased Brook down Friargate towards McDonalds.

While at the custody desk he became aggressive, the court heard. Officers took Brook to a cell and put him on the floor but he continued to resist. He bit one officer twice, on the elbow and the knee, leaving the officer with tender areas.

FULL STORY: He took a bread knife to the Adelphi, swallowed a bag of heroin outside McDonald's then bit police officer

Face of 'frail' mum 'caught red-handed' sitting on bed next to pile of cash

Police mugshots of two men and a woman
Brandon Brook -Credit:Lancs Police

The face of a mum who helped her criminal family make millions out of a dastardly drug operation has been revealed. Last week, members of the gang responsible for trafficking hundreds of kilos of heroin and cocaine across the country were locked up for a combined total of more than 50 years.

Led by Alan Causer, officers discovered nearly £500,000 of cash when they raided the home of his parents, Ian Shacklady and Gillian Melville, in Skelmersdale. A court heard how Melville, 66, was caught "red-handed" sitting on a bed next to a pile of cash by the cops.

FULL STORY: Face of 'frail' mum mum 'caught red handed' sitting on bed next to pile of cash

They drank beer as their daring £300m drugs plot played out - totally unaware they were being watched

"I'm f****d, aren't I?". This was the resigned response of criminal Craig Parr when police tracked him down to a hotel room. Just days earlier, he had been seen raising a glass at a service station, unaware that his daring plot was about to unravel.

Parr had been given the task of transporting an 'immense' consignment of heroin and ketamine from the south of England to its final destination in Lancashire. The drugs, concealed in bags of rice, were destined to cause havoc on the streets while lining the pockets of ruthless gangsters. However, as Parr enjoyed a cold beer, he and his associates were oblivious to the fact they were under surveillance.

FULL STORY: They drank beer as their daring £300m drugs plot played out - totally unaware they were being watched

Fraudsters used details from woman’s lost driving licence to cover their crimes

Three men and a woman have been convicted after they used details from a woman’s lost driving licence in attempt to cover up their crimes last year.

Having lost her driving licence, the victim’s details were used to provide false information to the police in order to avoid prosecution for driving offences. Lancashire Constabulary's Safer Roads Unit launched an investigation and all four were brought before the courts and found guilty of providing false or misleading information in their absence.

FULL STORY: Fraudsters used details from woman’s lost driving licence to cover their crimes

Raging drunk waved machete at terrified teen babysitter... then started on her dad

A drunk thug waved a machete at a teenage girl and her father after a night drinking in Lancaster. Aaron Middleton was handed a suspended prison sentence for the incident, which he admitted he could ‘only vaguely remember.’ On July 21, 2023, the 46-year-old returned to the house where the 16-year-old had been babysitting.

He went to the bedroom, where the girl was staying, and began shouting at her, Preston Crown Court heard. The youngster said she did not want to speak to Middleton while he was drunk and began to call her dad to collect her, as she was worried about her safety. However she was also worried about leaving a younger child in the house with Middleton in the state he was in, the prosecution said.

FULL STORY: Raging drunk waved machete at terrified teen babysitter... then started on her dad

Woman ordered to pay £1,000 over her dog's 'excessive barking'

A woman has been ordered to pay £1,000 because her dog was barking too much. Susana Johnston was found guilty of continuing to allow her dog to bark excessively despite being served with a noise abatement notice.

An investigation by environmental health officers found the barking was 'excessive and unreasonable' and the noise from the animal was having a detrimental impact on Johnston's neighbours

FULL STORY: Woman ordered to pay £1,000 over her dog's 'excessive barking'

Deputy head teacher who raped girl with boyfriend banned from teaching for life

A former school deputy head who was jailed for raping a child alongside her boyfriend has been banned from the profession for life. Julie Morris was working at St George's Central Primary School in Tyldesley as the 'safeguarding lead' when she carried out acts of 'grave sexual depravity' on a child not attending the school with her mechanic boyfriend.

She and David Morris filmed themselves jointly raping a young girl in abuse a judge said was "almost beyond belief". A court heard how the couple laughed about the abuse in vile WhatsApp messages and Julie Morris "giggled" on camera. They were caught out after David Morris, then 52 sent indecent photos to another paedophile online.

FULL STORY: Deputy head teacher who raped girl with boyfriend banned from teaching for life

Mum's foul-mouthed tirade at Jet2 cabin crew after flight was delayed

A drunk mum who repeatedly swore at Jet2 cabin crew when her flight from Turkey landed 30 minutes late in Manchester has avoided jail. Lauren Beaumont-Capps behaved in a 'disgraceful fashion' after the aircraft had landed by launching into a drunken tirade against two air stewardesses.

The 40-year-old, said she'd had 'four wines', reduced one of the women to tears with her abusive behaviour after demanding to be let off first. A judge described her actions as ‘disgraceful’ and said he would have jailed her 'without hesitation' had the incident occurred while the flight was in the air or taxing towards the stand. Recorder Anna Vigars KC told her: "Quite why it was then that you chose to become abusive at that stage, rather than simply wait with other passengers to get off, I don't know."

FULL STORY: Mum's foul-mouthed tirade at Jet2 cabin crew after flight was delayed

Parents' horror as man trusted with their sons carried out 'ultimate betrayal'

A paedophile who took boys to McDonald's and Cheshire Oaks before sexually abusing them has been jailed. James Blundell was trusted by parents with their sons but they ended up suffering the "ultimate betrayal", a court heard. The 36-year-old embarked upon a depraved campaign of rape and sexual assaults after grooming his victims with cash and sweets.

He befriended one of the children and paid him £10 in order to wash his car. The boy then carried out further chores at his home in return for "pocket money".

FULL STORY: Parents' horror as man trusted with their sons carried out 'ultimate betrayal'

BMW driver collared rattling along M55 with £500k of illicit cargo in his boot

Mugshot of David Hudson
John Germaine, Gillian Melville, Daniel Heeley -Credit:National Crime Agency

A crook collared ferrying a huge haul of drugs down the M55 in a BMW Z4 has been jailed for nearly five years. When David Hudson was pulled over, officers from Lancashire Constabulary found almost half a million pounds worth of cocaine in his boot. And when they searched his home, on Mythop Road in Blackpool, the uncovered a sizeable cannabis farm.

The 37-year-old was sentenced to 56 months in prison after pleading guilty to possession with intent to supply cocaine and production of cannabis.

FULL STORY: BMW driver collared rattling along M55 with £500k of illicit cargo in his boot

Brazen knifeman barged his way into home and sat on sofa during three-day crime spree

A knifeman who barged through a front door, sat on the sofa and then made threats to the homeowner has been jailed. During a three-day crime spree, Dale Thomason targeted several properties across Preston - pinching Louis Vuitton trainers and high-end smartphones as he went. The 29-year-old has now been sentenced to eight years and four months in prison.

FULL STORY: Brazen knifeman barged his way into home and sat on sofa during three-day crime spree

Prolific shoplifter terrorised staff by striking at same store over and over

A prolific shoplifter who terrorised staff by striking at the same store over and over again has been jailed. Lancashire Constabulary were alerted by workers at the shop in Blackpool that they were being targeted by Kenneth McEwan, sometimes visiting up to three times a day. During a dedicated operation, officers arrested the 43-year-old after he was seen shoplifting food items and running out of the store.

FULL STORY: Prolific shoplifter terrorised staff by striking at same store over and over