Nando's worker had no idea she was pregnant until going into labour on toilet during shift

Destiny Stephens-Coull
-Credit: (Image: Destiny Stephens-Coull© SWNS)

A Nando's worker was stunned when she went into labour unexpectedly during her shift, unaware she was pregnant. Destiny Stephens-Coull was in the middle of her final year at college and had secured a university spot for the next academic year.

Living the life of a typical 18-year-old student, Destiny enjoyed nights out and socialising with friends over drinks. She balanced her studies with a part-time job at Nando's but the routine took a dramatic turn on April 13, 2022.

Destiny started experiencing what she thought were menstrual cramps during a work shift, despite not expecting her period for another fortnight. After enduring over an hour of heavy bleeding in the restaurant's restroom, she was urgently taken to Basildon Hospital in Essex.

In a state of shock, Destiny discovered she was six months into a pregnancy she hadn't noticed, despite regular periods and no noticeable weight gain, and she required an emergency caesarean section while under general anaesthesia. When she woke up, she was greeted by her newborn son Kingsley weighing just 3lbs 1oz.

He battled for survival after arriving 10 weeks early on but two years later, both Destiny and Kingsley are thriving with mum overjoyed by her "miracle" son. Reflecting on the ordeal, the now 21-year-old mum said: "I remember bleeding in the Nando's toilets and it was really heavy - coming out like a tap.

Destiny with her baby, Kingsley in hospital
Destiny with her baby, Kingsley in hospital -Credit:Destiny Stephens-Coull© SWNS

"We went to A&E and they did a scan - then suddenly a nurse was beside me telling me I was pregnant. I just said 'there's no way - I went out clubbing last weekend!'.

"When I first saw Kingsley, I didn't feel like a mum - he was adorable, but it felt like I'd been given a random baby to look after. But when I fed him for the first time, I knew he was mine.

"I never planned to have a child and I thought I'd be judged because I'm so young - but everyone has been so supportive. But I'm so happy - Kingsley is growing up to be such a kind and caring little boy."

When Destiny had arrived at work for her 3pm shift, she unexpectedly felt her period start, although it wasn't due, and hurried to the bathroom. After spending half an hour in the toilet, she called her manager for some tampons, but found herself bleeding too profusely to use them.

Describing the scene, she said: "The toilets were like a murder scene - there was blood everywhere. We went to A&E with me bleeding through my work uniform.

"I was stood in the corner with a puddle of blood at my feet. I passed out from the blood loss and woke up to nurses around me."

Kingsley weighed just 3lbs 1oz
Kingsley weighed just 3lbs 1oz -Credit:Destiny Stephens-Coull© SWNS

Destiny had lost four litres of blood and required multiple transfusions. Following scans, doctors informed her she was indeed pregnant, leaving her utterly astonished.

Overwhelmed by the news, she recounted: "I freaked out so much. I'd been clubbing and drinking, I danced a lot, I had a flat stomach.

"I thought there was absolutely no way. I was too scared to tell my mum so the midwife had to break the news to her."

Baby Kingsley in hospital
Baby Kingsley in hospital -Credit:No credit

Little Kingsley arrived in the world via c-section when he was just 29 weeks, immediately requiring NICU care. The lad battled for his life after being born with two brain bleeds, hydrocephalus, and jaundice.

Destiny said because she "never went through pregnancy or scans or a gender reveal, motherhood didn't kick in for a few days". Kingsley remained under NICU's watchful eyes until August 2022 as medics worked tirelessly to stabilise his condition.

A shunt was eventually fitted to help drain the fluid from his brain. Despite concerns that Kingsley might struggle with walking and talking, the resilient two year old is hitting his milestones.

Destiny admits feeling a pang of sadness for missing out on the traditional pregnancy journey, including having a bump, scans, or a gender reveal, yet she cherishes every moment with Kingsley.

Currently residing in a mother and baby unit, Destiny has aspirations to secure their own place soon. Looking back, Destiny reflects: "It's still weird to think about."

She recalls her disbelief at stories of cryptic pregnancies, musing: "I remember before this happened, I read a story about a woman who had a cryptic pregnancy and I thought 'how did you not know at all?'.

"But now people ask that question of me."

Baby Kingsley
Baby Kingsley -Credit:Destiny Stephens-Coull© SWNS

Reflecting on her unexpected journey into motherhood, she muses: "If someone told me three years ago that at 21 I'd have a two-year old-son, I'd have told them they were lying. But now I'm used to being a mum and I'm ecstatic he is my son."

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