Narinder Kaur breaks silence on Laurence Fox upskirt photo: ‘It’s like being assaulted everyday’

TV presenter Narinder Kaur has laid bare her pain and fury after Laurence Fox shared an upskirt photograph of her to social media.

Fox, an actor turned Reclaim Party politician, posted a paparazzi photograph of Kaur’s genital area to X/Twitter earlier this month. The post remained live for two days.

Kaur said people now bombard her with screenshots of the upskirt image every time she posts on social media, likening the experience to being “assaulted every day”.

Writing in The Times, the Good Morning Britain regular said any time she writes something on X/Twitter “it’s like being assaulted every day, every time I tweet or go online.”

“[I’m being called names again and again to the point where either I come off social media altogether — but that’s part of my job — or I carry on.”

Kaur reported the incident to the Metropolitan Police, who began investigating Fox’s post on social media at the start of May.

The photo had reportedly been removed from the photo agency’s archives when upskirting became a criminal offence, however Fox was able to share the image to his 500,000 followers.

Laurence Fox shared an upskirt photo of Narinder Kaur to social media in May and is now facing a police probe (Getty)
Laurence Fox shared an upskirt photo of Narinder Kaur to social media in May and is now facing a police probe (Getty)

However, the former Big Brother contestant claims she has received “no update” from the police since and feels “frustrated” and “fobbed off”.

Responding to criticisms of his post at the time, Fox suggested he had shared the unsolicited picture because Kaur had mocked right-wing commentator Leilani Dowding.

“She can go cry victim all she wants. It’s not my fault she forgot to put her pants on, the whining cry bully hypocrite,” he said.

Addressing Fox’s justification for sharing the upskirt image, Kaur said Fox claimed she’d criticised Dowding online for “‘getting her baps out’— his words”.

“I don’t know how he, or anyone, could come to that conclusion about me. I would never police another woman’s body and what she chooses to do with it,” she said.

Fox said he shared the photo of Kaur in response to her bodyshaming right-wing commentator Leilani Dowding (Getty Images)
Fox said he shared the photo of Kaur in response to her bodyshaming right-wing commentator Leilani Dowding (Getty Images)

Kauer revealed she initially thought the image Fox posted had been an AI generated photo. It was only after “online sleuths” matched her outfit to an event in 2009 she believed it was real.

She claims Fox’s followers sent “thousands of messages of abuse” to her in the subsequent days. This trolling still continues today.

The abuse intensified when Andrew Tate tweeted to his 9.2 million followers that Kauer “must have been human trafficked”.

Tate is currently awaiting trial on charges of human trafficking, rape and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women in Romania.

“It was a toxic pile-on and totally horrifying to be on the end of it,” Kauer said. “Every day I wake up and go to sleep horrified. It’s all because Laurence Fox and his gang of merry men decided I needed to be put in my place.

“I want it to go away, to disappear.”

Upskirting became a criminal offence under The Voyeurism (Offences) Act in April 2019, following an 18 month long campaign by activist and author Gina Martin.

“This is a banned image: it can’t be tweeted or shared on WhatsApp groups or published,” Kaur said.

“Those found guilty of sharing the images could face up to two years in prison and be placed on the sex offender’s register. And yet here we are.”

In April, Fox was ordered to pay £180,000 in damages in a libel case involving two people he falsely claimed were paedophiles.

The actor was fired from GB News after being suspended in October following a misogynistic on-air rant about journalist Ava Evans.

The Independent has approached Laurence Fox’s representatives for comment.