Young achiever from North Yorkshire recognised by national trade body for award

Sean Lanagan, national sales manager at Wrekin <i>(Image: Supplied)</i>
Sean Lanagan, national sales manager at Wrekin (Image: Supplied)

A building materials’ specialist from North Yorkshire has been nominated for a Top 100 Young Achievers award by The Builders Merchant Federation (BMF).

Sean Lanagan, national sales manager at Wrekin, based in Selby, has been nominated for the accolade based around his ‘achievements within his career so far, and having a positive impact in the sector’.

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Sean said: "It was a great surprise to find out I had been nominated as a Top 100 Young Achiever.

“My job would not be possible without the support of my great boss, the outstanding team that I get to lead and my amazing colleagues at Wrekin.

“I am deeply humbled to be recognised amongst this year’s finalists.”

Award nominees have been identified by national trade body the BMF and Builders’ Merchants News.

John Newcomb, chief executive of the BMF, said: “We are an active supporter of young people working within the building materials supply sector and this initiative celebrates the contributions of those who will carry the industry forward in the future and work to make a material difference.

“After the success of our previous initiatives, we’re delighted to be partnering with BMN to highlight the achievements of the Top 100 Young Achievers.

“This accolade reflects the positive influence Sean has had on the people around him and on the wider building materials industry.”