Neighbours heard 'shouts for help' after man held woman captive at Chertsey home

Michael Chennell, of Barker Road in Chertsey, has been jailed
Michael Chennell, of Barker Road in Chertsey, has been jailed -Credit:Surrey Police

A woman was left fearing for her life after being held captive at her home. Police were called to the property in Chertsey after neighbours heard the victim shouting for help.

The woman, who had been subjected to physical and emotional abuse, was in a "state of distress" when officers arrived on the scene in November 2023. Michael Chennell, 33, was arrested.

Chennell, of Barker Road in Chertsey, was found guilty of false imprisonment, coercive and controlling behaviour, actual bodily harm and criminal damage at a trial last month. He was sentenced at Guildford Crown Court on Tuesday (May 14), and sentenced to 16 months in prison along with a six year restraining order.

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Investigators compiled doorbell footage, victim and witness statements and evidence to present their case to the court. Surrey Police said the attack had a "profound effect on those involved".

Investigating officer Charlotte Barrett said "I would like to personally thank the victim in this case and her family for their immense courage in supporting and trusting us with this investigation, and for giving evidence at the trial. This case is also a testament to community whereby the neighbours intervened and helped the victim during this incident.

"If you believe your loved ones may be experiencing domestic abuse, please check in with them and encourage them to report it."

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