Netflix releases teaser for Castlevania boss' new series

devil may cry
Netflix teaser for Castlevania boss' new seriesNetflix

Netflix has released the teaser for Devil May Cry, the latest video game anime adaptation from the streamer.

The short clip shows us some fluid animation of Dante (looking similar to his DMC3 appearance, except with a vest on) doing a flip, dodging some slashes, and looking like he's having a great time doing so.

We've also got some suitably aggressive music, and a title card bigging up the involvement of Adi Shankar, one of the main forces behind the hugely successful Castlevania anime.

devil may cry

For those not aware of Capcom's long-running series, it's about a half-human, half-demo named Dante with incredible powers who fights against demons, and usually his evil twin Vergil.

Dante comes across as incredibly powerful and cocky, but the games (and previous animated series) hinted that it might all be a front and that Dante actually suffers from depression. It'll be interesting to see if this modern series goes down that avenue in between all the stylish demon slaying.

devil may cry 5, dante rides a motorbike with glowing demon lights

A season 3 episode of Castlevania featured a Devil May Cry Easter egg, as well as ones referencing JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and X-Men.

While the latter two may have just been fun nods (and probably as much as the lawyers would let them get away with), Shankar previously stated that he planned to bring Castlevania and Devil May Cry together as part of a "bootleg multiverse".

"[I] acquired these [Devil May Cry] rights myself so the jabronis in Hollywood don't f**k this one up too," he said.

While DMC is on the way, Castlevania just dropped the first season of follow-up show Nocturne, which adapts the beloved games Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night.

Devil May Cry is coming soon to Netflix. Castlevania and Castlevania: Nocturne are on the service now.

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