Netflix's Love Is Blind season 4 trailer has arrived

love is blind season 4, love is blind, love is blind pods
Love Is Blind season 4 trailer sees huge twistNetflix

Netflix has dropped a new trailer for the upcoming season of its hit dating show Love Is Blind — and it promises plenty of drama.

Set to premiere on March 24, season four will introduce us to a brand-new bunch of singles looking to find love in the pods.

The unconventional dating show will head to Seattle, USA and follow more singles as they search for love and (hopefully) get engaged sight unseen.

love is blind season 4, love is blind, love is blind pods

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The trailer certainly delivers on the promise of drama ahead in the new season, even teasing a shocking twist in the first couple of seconds.

"I made the wrong choice and now I'm going to propose to another woman," one contestant confesses. (The trailer sneakily doesn't show us who said it.)

Meanwhile, another couple's relationship hits the rocks after an awkward meet-the-parents situation.

"I don't want to be in a marriage where your parents hate me," contestant Zach is seen saying. "You know, Romeo and Juliet didn't work for a reason."

micah in love is blind season 4, love is blind, love is blind season 4

Related: Love Is Blind gets UK spinoff on Netflix

The problems don't stop there. Season four will also see missed wedding dress fittings, cold feet and plenty of tears.

Later in the trailer, we see contestant Micah seemingly undergo a last-minute change of heart, telling her would-be spouse: "In this moment, the best thing I can do for us is give you to opportunity to answer first."

Will any of this season's singletons find love? Only time will tell, but it certainly seems like there's a long road ahead.

Meanwhile, Netflix has also confirmed that a UK version of the show will soon be heading our way — with applications open now.

Love Is Blind season 3 is available on Netflix. Love Is Blind season 4 premieres on March 24.

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