New Rick and, really

Usually, on April Fools day you can expect the internet to be full of fake news stories about returning TV series, new episodes and casting choices. However, when you have about ten articles saying how Firefly is returning this year the guys over at Rick and Morty have pulled the ol’ switcheroo and given us the first episode of the long-awaited third season. Sort of.

Yes, if you’d be expecting Season 3 episode 1 to be available to watch in the days following April the 1st, you’d be wrong. It was actually live streamed on Adult Swim’s website for the entirety of that day and taken away immediately after.

However, many other outlets have put it up, so it may not be too difficult to track down if you’re excited enough.

After months of teasing fans about the release of the new season, the momentous occasion was marked by creator Dan Harmon replying to a fan on Twitter “What if I waved a magic wand and made the first episode from season three premiere tonight. Is that what you’d want?”

The fan replied “Yes, that is exactly what I want, and everyone in the entire universe does too,”

To which Harmon replied, “happy now mother F***A” and linked to the site.

April the 1st shall now be known as Rick and Morty day…probably.