Newly opened café seeking to extend its opening hours

Chef Pablo, from At The Marina, was a finalist in Romanian Master Chefs' TV series 'Chefs On Knives'. <i>(Image: At The Marina)</i>
Chef Pablo, from At The Marina, was a finalist in Romanian Master Chefs' TV series 'Chefs On Knives'. (Image: At The Marina)

The new tenants at the Devizes Marina restaurant are seeking permission to extend their opening hours into the evening.

A planning application has been submitted to Wiltshire Council which proposes to allow evening opening on Wednesdays through to Saturdays until 10.00pm.

According to the plans, this would allow the facility to offer evening meals and drinks to boaters and other customers.

The current tenants previously ran the ‘The Good Food Van’ at Devizes B&Q, and this application for ‘At The Marina’ says: “The tenants and their family are extremely passionate about the café/restaurant and the facility is once again proving popular since its official re-opening on April 21, 2024.

“They seek to offer great food and a warm welcome to the community.”

The decision deadline for Wiltshire Council is Monday, August 9.

One of the signs due to be put up in Trowbridge. (Image: Redrow PLC)

In other planning news, new “land acquired” signs have been officially approved to be set up in Trowbridge on behalf of Redrow PLC to advertise its proposed 247-home development.

Wiltshire Council has approved a planning application that suggests displaying the signs at the Elm Grove Farm site on the outskirts of the town.

Local councillor Antonio Piazza had initially called-in the application to be reviewed by the area’s planning committee after nearby residents of Toucan Street objected to the plans.

Gary Miles commented: “I do not wish to look out of my living room window at advertising hoardings for up to 5 years.

“My suggestion is place them opposite the 90-degree bends of Toucan Street where no windows directly overlook them.”

Mary Huntley added: “Toucan Street is a completely unsuitable sight to place these proposed advertising boards.

“There is only local traffic using Toucan Street, hardly the ideal place for the purpose of advertising the sale of houses on a new housing estate.”

Following these requests, the developer agreed to move the sign that was due to be opposite the residents’ home out of their view.

Wiltshire Council has now approved this amended application.

Finally, an outline application for the demolition of a home in Westbury and the construction of up to four in its place has been refused by the council.

The proposal concerned 62 Newtown and generated 21 objections from nearby residents.

Their points concerned the “existing attractive linear character of Newtown”, the need to safeguard the countryside and the “precedent” an approval would set for an area not designated for housing.

Westbury Town Council also objected, echoing the concerns of the residents but also bringing up issues such as traffic flow.

Wiltshire Council found that the application did not comply with the Wiltshire Core Strategy, the Wiltshire Design Guide, the National Design Guide and the National Planning Policy Framework.

The case officer report stated: “The erection of plot 1, 2 and 3 to the rear of Number 62 by reason of their siting and location would create a development that fails to respect the existing pattern of development that currently exists along Newtown Road which consists of a strong linear development with long rear gardens.

“The proposal fails to demonstrate how the development would make a positive contribution to the character of Wiltshire in terms of responding positively to the existing townscape, effectively relating to or being sympathetic to its immediate setting and thus would result in inappropriate backland development.”

It also noted that these same plots would result in “unacceptable levels of overshadowing” and would be “overbearing” to 60 and 64 Newtown.

It added: “In the dark this disturbance would further be exacerbated by car headlights shining onto the rear of the houses.”

The full detail of all planning applications submitted to Wiltshire Council can be found on the planning and building control public register.