Loose Women panel in hysterics over Linda Robson's pubic hair confession

linda robson on loose women
Loose Women star shares TMI pubic hair confessionITV

Loose Women panelist Linda Robson left her co-stars in hysterics after her, erm, TMI pubic hair confession on the show.

During a discussion about what to pack in a hospital bag when giving birth on Wednesday's (October 4) episode of the ITV show, Linda left the studio in hysterics with her comments.

Referencing a recent social media post from the Surrey and Sussex maternity department recommending holding a hair comb during labour to take the focus away from contractions, Kaye Adams asked the panel for their thoughts on the topic.

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"Well you'd be putting it at the other end Linda," she joked, turning to her co-star.

"Combing down below?" Linda replied, adding: "They are going to my knees, I can do a nice little plait!"

"You'd want a couple of hair bobbles as well, wouldn't you?" Kaye then added, while Judi Love just couldn't stop laughing.

Linda's birth confessions didn't end there either, as the actress and TV presenter went on to reveal that a mirror was one of the "essentials" in her hospital bag when she gave birth.

"I wanted to see what had happened down there!" she explained, while the panel were left in shock.

"There was an explosion," she continued.

Linda then noted that "it's never been the same" following the birth of her children.

loose women panelists

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But this is hardly the first time the star has gotten candid on the talk show.

Earlier this year, Linda addressed speculation of a feud between her and Birds of a Feather co-star Pauline Quirke, admitting she had previously been "jealous" of her.

"I was jealous of my friend Pauline. I'm really pleased for her, don't get me wrong, but what about me?" she said of her co-star's success after the show, adding: "Why can't I get a new drama!"

Loose Women airs on weekdays at 12.30pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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