NHS the most important issue in the general election, say Daily Record readers

-Credit: (Image: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
-Credit: (Image: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)

The NHS is the most important issue in the general election, Daily Record readers have said in an online survey.

Two fifths of those who answered our survey - 40.41 per cent - said the health service was the issue which would influence most how they vote.

This was followed by the economy on 28.62 per cent and immigration 19.18 per cent.

They also overwhelming thought the quality of the health service had declined over the past decade.

Some 90.43 per cent said the quality of service had gotten worse, with only 3.01 per cent saying it had improved.

Record readers also revealed they have been bearing the brunt of the cost of living crisis.

More than half - 51.75 per cent - said they don't feel they have enough money to live on. Only 48.25 per cent said they do.

Those who responded to the survey also broadly thought Brexit had made life worse.

Some 57.4 per cent said it had made life worse, 31.61 per cent said there had been no difference and 10.98 per cent said it had made life better.

When it comes to transport, Record readers clearly thought roads were the biggest issue.

Some 77.1 per cent said roads were the area in biggest need of improvement. some 13.01 per cent said buses, while 7.58 per cent said trains.

A whopping 72.66 per cent also said Rishi Sunak had not done a good job as Prime Minister. Only 13.09 per cent said he had done a good job.

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