No Big Deal, Just Both Of Star Wars' Ezra Bridger Actors Meeting Up And Having A Total Dance Party

 Ezra Bridger in Star Wars Rebels and Eman Esfandi as Ezra Bridger in Ahsoka.
Ezra Bridger in Star Wars Rebels and Eman Esfandi as Ezra Bridger in Ahsoka.

Ahsoka debuted for Disney+ subscribers back in 2023 to bring characters who had previously only been animated in the galaxy far, far away to live-action. By introducing these live-action versions of Sabine Wren, Hera Syndulla, and Ezra Bridger, the new show finally paid off on some questions from Star Wars Rebels that had gone unanswered for years. Now, a video shows that Ahsoka's Eman Esfandi and Rebels Taylor Gray – both known for portraying Ezra – joined forces to dance the night away, and I didn't know I needed it ahead of Ahsoka Season 2.

Star Wars Rebels voice actor Taylor Gray and Ahsoka live-action actor Eman Esfandi both hit the dance floor at the Emmy Disney Afterparty, and Diana Lee Inosanto was on hand to capture it on video when they brought their best moves to a cover of Prince's "Kiss." Take a look:

Diana Lee Inosanto played Morgan Elsbeth in Ahsoka Season 1, and it's safe to say that she is on much better terms with the Ezra(s) actors than Morgan would have ever been! While it would have been funny if Taylor Gray and Eman Esfandi were dancing to a Star Wars song like the famous "Cantina Band" composition, there's something wonderfully random about "Kiss." Esfandi, who recently shared a funny story behind the Ezra/Sabine reunion in Ahsoka, made Inosanto's post even better with a comment that can appeal to the heart of every Rebels fan:

Jabba the Hutt, Lando Calrissian, & Morgan Elsbeth all walk into a bar…

While Eman Esfandi didn't watch all of Star Wars Rebels before playing Ezra in Ahsoka, he evidently knows enough about the show to shout out two of the aliases that animated Ezra used! It's for the best that live-action Ezra has evidently given up on passing himself off as Jabba after the time jump, but I certainly got a laugh out of Esfandi's comment on X (formerly known as Twitter). And he's not the only Star Wars actor to react to the video!

Sam Witwer, who has voiced various characters across Star Wars' animated entries, may be best known for his work as Maul in The Clone Wars and Rebels. In the latter show, Maul attemped to turn Ezra to the dark side and become his apprentice instead of remaining Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus' apprentice. That of course didn't work, and Ezra actually built his newest lightsaber to look like Kanan's in Ahsoka's callback-heavy Season 1 finale.

Witwer's comment on Diana Lee Inosanto's dance video was itself a hilarious callback to Rebels, as he wrote on X:

Whaaa... ...two apprentices?

One apprentice for Kanan and one apprentice for Maul, perhaps? If only both characters weren't already long dead by the Ahsoka era! In all seriousness, Eman Esfandi wasn't done commenting on his time on the dance floor with his fellow Ezra actor, either. Diana Lee Inosanta posted a photo with Esfandi, Taylor Gray, and Ivanna Sakhno (who played Shin Hati in Seaosn 1) on X, and the live-action actor reposted with this comment:

It remains to be seen if Ezra will appear in animation again and give Taylor Gray the chance to reprise his Star Wars Rebels role, but Ahsoka Season 2 is on the list of upcoming Star Wars movies and TV shows, and I can't imagine the series not prominently featuring Eman Esfandi after how Season 1 ended. For now, though, fans can always revisit all four seasons of Rebels and the first season of Ahsoka streaming via Disney+.

The next Star Wars releases are expected to be Skeleton Crew and The Acolyte, although there has been no official announcement of a Star Wars Skeleton Crew premiere date or Acolyte premiere date. The Acolyte cast list sheds light on who to expect in the upcoming show. Andor Season 2 or The Bad Batch Season 3 will presumably be next after those two.