No, Iranian special forces did not raid the Indian embassy in Tehran

A photo posted on May 19 and viewed hundreds of thousands of times on social networks allegedly shows Iranian special forces storming the Indian embassy in Tehran. Its caption claims that India might have helped organise the assassination of the Iranian president, whose death in a helicopter crash was confirmed on May 20. The photograph was actually taken in 2015 and shows German army special forces soldiers in training.

If you only have a minute:

  • A photo published on social networks on May 19 allegedly shows a raid by Iranian special forces on the Indian embassy in Tehran. The person who published it claimed that India might have played a role in the crash of a helicopter that killed the Iranian president.

  • The photo was actually published in 2015 by Reuters. It shows German special forces soldiers training in a town in northern Germany.

The fact-check, in detail

While rumors circulated about Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s death in a helicopter crash, a photo seen more than 866,000 times on X and Facebook claimed that "Iranian intelligence and special forces have raided Indian embassy in Tehran". The caption asserted that "Iran got a tip from unknown sources that India might be acting on Israel’s behalf to assassinate Iran’s President Ibrahim Raisi." To support the allegation, the author of the publication published a photograph showing several soldiers, including one wearing a mask and carrying an assault rifle.

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