Nursery school celebrates 25th anniversary

Enniskillen Nursery principal, Lisa Phair, gets help from some of the nursery children in cutting the cake celebrating 25 year of the nursery school. <i>(Image: Tim Flaherty)</i>
Enniskillen Nursery principal, Lisa Phair, gets help from some of the nursery children in cutting the cake celebrating 25 year of the nursery school. (Image: Tim Flaherty)

Friday, June 21 saw past staff members, the Board of Governors and friends from local schools come together with the staff and pupils of Enniskillen Nursery School to celebrate the completion of their fabulous new outdoor play space and recognise the achievements of the school over the past 25 years.

The new playground was made possible largely through the fundraising efforts of parents over the past five years and this has brought to life a vision for a playground that is fit to serve pupils for many years to come.

Principal, Lisa Phair, commented: "The new playground is the culmination of many years of hard work and effort by staff and parents who raised funds to allow us to purchase new equipment, redesign our existing space and extend the playground to almost double its original size which gives us an amazing space for children to explore, be creative and develop their physical and social skills."

Additional funding was given by the Education Authority and carried out by Woodvale Construction.

"It is fantastic that this work has been timed to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the school," said Mrs. Pahir, who added: "And we are able to reflect on the past achievements of the school as we look to preparing it for the next generation.

"We are now welcoming some of the early pupils of the school back as parents of our new pupils."



The occasion was marked by guests being entertained by pupils singing and the cutting of a cake by our oldest and youngest pupils.