Rescue centre looks to save local hedgehogs with 'ghost' installations

The 'ghost' hedgehogs have been placed across Kendal <i>(Image: Emma Shoosmith)</i>
The 'ghost' hedgehogs have been placed across Kendal (Image: Emma Shoosmith)

'Ghost' hedgehogs have been popping up around Kendal to raise awareness about their safety.

Kendal College Animal Rescue Centre has rehabilitated and released hundreds of the creatures in the surrounding area and are now taking a unique approach to raise the profile of their work.

Each of the white hedgehog displays have been placed in certain spots to commemorate locations where one of the animals has lost its life.

Emma Shoosmith, an Animal Care Technician at the college, said: "Kendal College Animal Rescue Centre has admitted over 800 hedgehogs in the past nine years and, this year, the College is working towards the Silver Award for Hedgehog Friendly Campus.

"This is a national accreditation programme funded in part by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) - universities, FE colleges and primary schools across the UK are urged to take part, completing activities that help to bring hedgehogs back from the brink."

The installations are designed to raise public awareness about the issue (Image: Emma Shoosmith)

Habitat fragmentation remains a pressing problem for the species, putting a doubt in their continued survival.

Hedgehog numbers have declined between 30-75% over the past couple of decades, though, whilst rural hedgehog numbers continue to plummet, urban hog numbers are stabilising.

Emma thanked fellow staff members at the college for making the unorthodox scheme a reality.

These included Steph from the Art and Design department for making a series of posters and animations, Charlie and James from Construction for bringing the 'ghost' hedgehogs to life, and the rescue centre team as a whole for the work they continue to do in the region.

If you would like to take part at your campus or school, you can email and follow the programme on social media by searching for @hogfriendly.

If you find a hedgehog or other native wildlife, the public are urged to contact the Animal Rescue Centre on 01539 814645 for advice.