Nurses suffering 'sleepless nights' want to know where their money is

Nurse Tracy Hutson at home
Nurse Tracy Hutson at home -Credit:Iain Watts/Liverpool Echo

Two nurses say they were shocked to discover thousands of pounds had not been paid by their employer to their pensions accounts.

Tracy Hutson and Debbie O'Grady both worked for TCG Medical Services - a private company contracted to manage the day-to-day operations of a GP Practice in Sefton. Each month, hundreds of pounds were deducted from their salaries for pension contributions.

They claim to have asked for these contributions to be paid into National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) accounts, but after they left TCG they found out the money had not been transferred.

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In December last year NEST informed Tracy, who worked at TCG’s North Park practice in Bootle, they had reported the lack of payments into her account to The Pensions Regulator (TPR). The regulator does not comment on individual cases so it is not known what happened as a result of the referral.

A representative of TCG said in a statement that Debbie’s situation had been 'resolved'. Debbie, who said she was made redundant in October 2023, says her claim is far from 'resolved'.

The TCG representative also stated: "I confirm that Tracy's pension contributions were all correctly returned and paid to the NEST account associated with North Park Health Centre.”

Nurse Tracy Hutson at home
Nurse Tracy Hutson at home -Credit:Iain Watts/Liverpool Echo

Tracy retired from the NHS after working as a nurse for more than 30 years. Through a process called 'Retire and Return', she re-entered the nursing profession on a part-time basis and joined TCG Medical in August 2022 as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner at the North Park practice.

Tracy said she stipulated any pension contributions should be paid into her NEST account. NEST is a qualifying workplace pension scheme set up to help employers meet their auto-enrolment obligations and allow them to enrol employees into a pension scheme if they're not eligible to join the NHS Pension Scheme.

Tracy and Debbie understood TCG Medical were obligated to pay an employer contribution as well as any deduction made from their individual salary into their NEST accounts, but claim this did not happen.

Debbie said: "I only realised what had happened when I received an email from NEST pensions asking me to log in and confirm who to leave money to when I die. I logged in to find no payments into my account since 2019."

Like Tracy, Debbie has worked for the NHS for most of her working life and feels 'honoured' and 'proud' to dedicate her life to a profession she loves. She said: “The stress and sleepless nights I have had has been horrendous

"When I contacted NEST, they said they had no contact from TCG and could not tell me where my money is."

In a letter sent in December 2023 and seen by the ECHO, NEST detailed their response after no payments were received into Tracy's pensions account for a number of months. The letter states: "This is to let you know that we've reported your employer to The Pensions Regulator (TPR).

“We've done this because TCG Group either haven't paid contributions to Nest on time or failed to notify us that contributions weren't due to be paid. This breached their legal duty as an employer."

The ECHO approached NEST regarding the letter and they said it appeared to be genuine. A spokesperson added the following statement: "At Nest, we have a process for reporting employers who do not make pension contributions on time.

"This involves four notifications over a 90-day period before reporting them to the Pensions Regulator (TPR). This occurs after each month’s contributions may be missed.

"Making pension contributions is a legal requirement and we are committed to making sure employers are compliant and members receive the contributions in their accounts that they have worked to earn."

For a number of weeks, Tracy and Debbie say they were trying to contact TCG and made a series of phone calls and emails but claim to have had no response to their main question: 'why were pensions deductions taken from their wages and not sent to their pension fund and where is that money now?’.

In a statement, the TCG representative said: "North Park's NEST account was locked out by the incoming healthcare provider and we have tried to re-establish access to the account to enable us to close off former employees’ statements but we have not received any response.

“There were then two options to resolve this matter. The first was to create a new NEST account.

"The second was to pay an amount equivalent to the total of employee's and employer's contributions to Tracy to enable her to pay it into a private pension fund of her own choice, or she could request that I do that for her. She was offered each of the options but has not responded to confirm which is her preferred option."

Tracy claims she did respond to make clear she wanted the money to be paid into her NEST account.

Asked about the impact this situation has had on her, she said: "I'm shocked and upset because I thought I had a good working relationship with them and they respected the work I had done."

"I want an explanation as to why my money hasn't gone where I wanted it to go.

"Getting the money back is secondary to me now. I just want to know why it happened and where the money has gone."

A previous version of this article stated in one sentence that two nurses said they were shocked to discover thousands of pounds had not been paid by their employer to their pensions provider. This sentence has now been amended to clarify that the nurses in fact stated that the money had not been paid into their pensions accounts, as detailed in the other references in the article. We also understand that the pensions contributions have now been received by the nurses into their NEST accounts.

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