Nutritionist's 'really simple' recipe to banish bloating with two cheap ingredients

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Bloating is never fun.

It makes your tummy feel swollen, which can make it tricky to move around or zip up clothes with ease. But thankfully, there are ways to alleviate the issue.

A holistic nutritionist called Marlowe shared a two-ingredient home remedy that can ease bloating. On her TikTok page Glow By Marlow, she shared the possible benefits of drinking diluted apple cider vinegar every day.

In a recent clip, she recommended: "If you add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a tall glass of water and drink this before meals, you'll stimulate your body to produce more digestive enzymes.

"This means you're going to digest your food better, be less likely to bloat or feel uncomfortable after eating and absorb certain nutrients better.

"Additionally, ACV before meals also aids in blood sugar regulation. So it's a really simple habit to get into."

The informational clip racked up more than 2.3 million views and plenty of comments. Some rushed to the comments section to say the apple cider vinegar hack had worked well for them.

One wrote: "I do this every morning, really starting to like the taste." A second gushed: "This helped with my bloating so much."

And a third advised: "Yes! But drink with a straw and no damage for teeth."

Others were unsure about how effective the method was though – especially as apple cider vinegar can be pretty tricky to swallow, even when diluted.

A commenter candidly admitted: "Ma’am I tried this and couldn’t eat for one hour because it made me nauseous as hell." And another wrote: "I feel like gagging after drinking this the first time."

Different methods work for different people, so it's worth taking viral videos with a pinch of salt. If you're looking to beat bloating, you can seek doctor-approved advice from the NHS website.

Tips include making tweaks to your diet, portion sizes and times you eat. As well as this, you should always get advice from a doctor or medical professional before making any big changes to your daily routine.