The NYC park where Marjorie Taylor Greene hosted the rally for Trump used to be an open sewer the city tried to fill in with land but it sank (and stank)

The NYC park where Marjorie Taylor Greene hosted the rally for Trump used to be an open sewer the city tried to fill in with land but it sank (and stank)
  • The NYC park where Marjorie Taylor Greene hosted a Trump rally used to be an open sewer.

  • Collect Pond Park was then a blossoming new neighborhood, and later the center of a gang-filled slum.

  • The land was finally granted park status in 1960, its name changed to call out the area's rich history.

Hours before former President Donald Trump plans to surrender to the Manhattan District Attorney Tuesday, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene joined a rally in New York City's Collect Pond Park to protest the former president's indictment.

Trump encouraged his supporters to protest outside of the courthouse, and about 100 people actually showed up; they were outnumbered by reporters. The Tuesday morning crowds were mainly comprised of reporters covering the day's events, and even counter-protestors who showed up in opposition to the former president, largely outnumbering the pro-Trump group.

But the park — just steps outside of the DA's office in downtown Manhattan — wasn't always the patch of greenery inside New York's concrete jungle. The small area was once a pond filled with drinking water that later became a disgusting, stinky open sewer and the center of a gang-filled slum where mobsters like Lucky Luciano and Al Capone got their start.

Here's the winding history of the unusual NYC park:

Collect Pond used to supply NYC with drinking water

Engraved illustration shows the 'Collect Pond,' also known as the Kolch or Kalch-Hook Pond, New York, New York, 1700s. The spring-fed pond was one of the city's primary drinking water sources. It later became the site of the Five Points neighborhood.
An engraved illustration shows the 'Collect Pond,' — also known as the Kolch or Kalch-Hook Pond — in New York City in the 1700s.Interim Archives/Getty Images

In the 18th century, the land on Leonard Street between Centre and Lafayette Streets used to be a "sixty-foot deep pool fed by an underground spring," according to New York City's Department of Parks & Recreation.

The water at the time was clean and pure enough that it supplied drinking water to the area through the end of the 1700s.

At the time, the locals used the area a common space for activities like picnics or ice skating when the pond froze over in the winter.

In 1796, John Fitch tested one of the first-ever experimental steamboats on the pond, New York's parks department said.

The pond got its name from Dutch settlers in the seventeenth century who dubbed it "kolch," or "small body of water." Over time, the name was changed to "collect" as native English speakers took control the land, according to the parks department website.

By the 19th century, the clean pond became a sewer — then a neighborhood

At the turn of the century, the once-pure pond had been transformed into a communal open sewer by nearby businesses. Slaughterhouses, tanneries, and breweries dumped refuse into the pond during the start of the industrial revolution, according to the Tenement Museum.

By 1805, out of disgust for the trash-filled water (and accompanying smells), city officials devised a plan to drain the sewer water and fill the hole with land from a nearby hill.

In 1805, the city ordered the pond to be drained. But the drainage caused the surrounding land to become marshy, so 1807, the city built a canal that would bring the water all the way to the Hudson River, according to the Tenement Museum.

It was all drained by 1811, but the smells wafting from the canal were still pretty foul. To fix the problem, city workers started construction to cover the canal; that's now NYC's Canal Street.

It took six years for the city to fill the hole that was once Collect Pond, according to the parks department. In 1811, construction began on a new neighborhood — Paradise Square — that was poised to sit atop the new land and boasted new apartment buildings.

But because of the land's roots, and the area's high water table, the neighborhood began to sink — and stink —in the 1820s, prompting many of the affluent businessmen who had just moved there to flock to other areas of the city, according to the Tenement Museum.

The failed neighborhood became known for the "Five Points" in the 1830s

Illustration (from 1874) depicting a map of 'Collect Pond,' overlain with the site of The Tombs prison and the notorious Five Points intersection of Cross Street (or Park), Anthony Street (or Worth), and Orange Street (or Baxter). The Collect Pond functioned as New York City's primary water supply for its first two centuries of settlement.
An 1874 illustration shows a map of 'Collect Pond,' overlaid with the site of The Tombs prison and the notorious Five Points intersection in New York City.Interim Archives/Getty Images

Once Paradise Square failed as a new city neighborhood, the area became known as "Five Points," or the convergence of five streets: Mulberry Street, Anthony Street, Cross Street, Orange Street, and Little Water Street, according to the parks department.

The neighborhood quickly shifted to be poor and dangerous in the 1830s, most well-known for its "crime and filth," according to the parks department, the new apartment buildings suddenly opened for poorer city residents and newly arriving immigrants who could live there for cheap, according to the Tenement Museum.

According to the Tenement Museum, "Five Points" became one of the most well-known immigrant slums in the city at the time.

The streets were rife with criminals and gangs in the 1830s, and, according to the parks department, some early 20th-century criminals — such as Lucky Luciano and Al Capone — got their start in "Five Points" gangs.

City officials condemned the area in the early twentieth century

In addition to high crime rates and poor living conditions, the neighborhood was densely populated and sat on top of an underground swamp, causing massive disease outbreaks by the beginning of the 1900s.

According to New York City's parks department, nearly all of the city's 20-century cholera outbreaks can be traced to this area.

"Five Points" finally started turning around after journalist Jacob Riis published "How The Other Half Lives" in 1890. The book revealed the squalid conditions of many living throughout NYC, specifically on the Lower East Side, and sparked concern with city officials.

Four years after its publication, NYC officials condemned nearly all of the tenement buildings in the area, "ridding the community of crime and filth," according to the parks department.

The area was built up and is now known as Civic Center.

The area finally became a park in 1960

People gather for the public unveil of the newest work by artist Luciano Garbati, 'Medusa With The Head of Perseus', at Collect Pond Park in the Manhattan borough of New York City, U.S., October 13, 2020.
Luciano Garbati's statue 'Medusa With The Head of Perseus' at Collect Pond Park on October 13, 2020.REUTERS/Brendan McDermid

It wasn't until 1960 that NYC's Board of Estimate gave the area Parks jurisdiction.

Until then, the property was known as Civil Court Park until a City Commissioner changed the name to Collect Pond Park, paying homage to the pond that once sat on the same land.

The park now boasts open, green areas, and plenty of benches and trees. The park can now add "site of a pro-Trump rally" to its long and winding history.

Read the original article on Business Insider