Obama promotes listening skills in first public appearance after leaving office

For his first public appearance since leaving the White House Barack Obama chose to address what he called “the next generation of leaders” – in this case students at the University of Chicago in his adopted hometown. It’s also where a new presidential library bearing his name will be built. But what Obama didn’t do was mention to his successor Donald Trump who is near to his 100 day mark as US president. “One of the things that I learned when I was organizing, you know, you show up in a neighborhood and your initial instinct is to tell people what they should be interested in, instead of spending the first six months listening and finding out what they actually are interested in,” he told the students. Obama was referring to the days he spend as a community organiser in Chicago. But many could perhaps be forgiven for thinking he was referring to Democratic party members who’d assumed Hilary Clinton was going to win but hadn’t been listening hard enough to the American electorate?