Officers make 159 drink and drug driving arrests in Essex as part of safety campaign

Crackdown - Officers arrest 159 drink and drug drivers in Essex <i>(Image: Essex Police)</i>
Crackdown - Officers arrest 159 drink and drug drivers in Essex (Image: Essex Police)

OFFICERS have made 159 drink and drug driving arrests in Essex as their road safely campaign continues.

In April, the Roads Policing Unit arrested a total of 285 people across Essex.

That figure included 101 for drink driving and 58 for drug driving as a result of a pro-active national road safety.

Throughout the road safety operation, officers worked alongside partners to highlight poor driving standards, educate drivers and enforce the law.

Officers dealt with a variety of offences as they identified drivers flouting the law and whose driving posed a threat to the safety of other road users, issuing a total of 1,228 traffic offence reports.

Between April 1 and 30 they dealt with 140 mobile phone offences and 200 drivers not wearing seat belts: they prosecuted 313 drivers in connection with careless driving offences and seized 339 vehicles for no insurance.

A spokesman for Essex Police added: “Road safety is a force priority, and we will continue to work with partners to highlight road safety issues and educate drivers with road safety messaging.”

Safer Essex Roads Partnership colleagues received 503 Extra Eyes submissions where the public upload dash cam footage so that Essex Police can review poor and dangerous driving incidents and take appropriate action.

The force has also been supported by Community Speedwatch volunteers concerned about the effect of speeding in their community, and who report motorists that were reportedly driving through villages in excess of the speed limit.

In just one month 1,001 drivers received warning letters about their conduct as a result of their work.

A spokesman for Essex Police said: “We want everyone to be a responsible driver, so we are asking all drivers to reflect on their driving decisions and where necessary, to make some positive changes that could in the long run, lead to better road safety for all.

“Last year, 41 people died on roads in Essex.”