Old bathrooms were better than freezers

<span>Photograph: AP</span>
Photograph: AP

The ending of the letter from Dr Tim Bradshaw, chief executive of the Russell Group (Letters, 20 January), tells you all you need to know about the marketisation of UK universities. He claims that universities remain focused on “delivering high-quality learning outcomes for their students”. Why not focus on educating students to become thoughtful, caring citizens with inquiring minds? Just an idea.
Wyn Jeffery

• On Sunday, protected with PPE, I visited my mother-in-law in her care home, as she was dying from Covid-19. Sadly, there are many cases among residents and staff. My husband and I had our mobiles, loaded with the world-beating NHS test and trace app. We are still waiting to be “pinged”. We are self-isolating, nonetheless.
Name and address supplied

• Fascinating long read by John Colapinto (Journal, 19 December). I had a similar breakdown in my voice but, after cancer and polyps were ruled out, I recovered it with an excellent NHS course of speech and language therapy. This helped me to sing again, and taught me how to look after this precious power.
Cath Attlee

• I can remember a conversation with friends in the 1970s when domestic freezers were just coming in. My late wife assured the group that we didn’t need one. We just put things in the bathroom (Letters, 21 January).
Malcolm Monie
Whitchurch, Shropshire

• A suitable anagram of QAnon would be Onan Q (QAnon’s ‘Great Awakening’ failed to materialize. What’s next could be worse, 21 January).
Alan Pearson