Online conspiracy theorists blasted for fake Robin Hood tree death rumour

Online hoaxers have been blasted for spreading fake rumours about a famous 1,000-year-old oak tree in Sherwood Forest dying. Legend has it that Robin Hood and his Merry Men met under The Major Oak near Edwinstowe, Notts. The 92ft-high tree, which weighs 23 tonnes, is one of the most recognisable and well-known in the UK. Last week wildlife enthusiasts were alarmed when rumours spread on social media warning the tree's roots had rotted and it would not survive the winter. One Facebook post read: “If anyone has wanted to see the Major Oak, make the effort this year as it won’t be alive after this winter." In an unprecedented move, the RSPB have denied the rumours, while acknowledging the tree has suffered as a result of extreme weather conditions in recent years.