Every Photo In This Vision Quiz Has A Secret Hiding In Plain Sight. Can You Find Them All?
Tip: Viewing this on your phone? Remember that you can zoom into each photo. Just tap the photo to isolate it, tap the portion of the photo you want to enlarge with two fingers, then move your fingers apart. This post displays best in the BuzzFeed app.
1.There is a cat hiding somewhere in this photo:
Click the image below to see where it is:
2.And somewhere in this picture, there's a corgi:
Click the image below to see where it is:
3.Can you spot the mystery creature hiding in this photo?
Click the image below to see where it is:
4.And can you find all three cats relaxing in this photo?
Click the image below to find the third cat:
5.And somewhere in the midst of all this ketchup, there's a packet of hot sauce:
Give up? Click the image to reveal the hot sauce:
6.In this photo, there are two dogs:
Here's dog number one:
And here's where dog number two is peeking his head out:
7."Dropped my Advil."
Click to see where it's hiding in plain sight:
8.Uh oh, someone dropped a key. Can you find it?
Click to see where it is:
9.There's an owl in this photo looking right at you:
Get ready to make eye contact:
10.And there's an incredibly cute little fox in this photo:
You gotta see this little cutie:
11.Can you find this festive cat?
12.There's exactly one dog in this picture:
Here he is:
13.And finally, if you can find Noodles the wiener dog, then all day long you'll have good luck:
H/T /r/FindTheSniper
Have you taken a picture with a hidden object in it? Upload it in the comments to keep the game going!