Opinion: Anthony Scaramucci: How Dems Can Steal the Thunder at Trump’s Trial

Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast
Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast

I have seen my fair share of political theatrics and controversy over the years. From my 11 days as White House Communications Director in the Trump administration, to my many public trials and tribulations, I know a thing or two about what goes on behind the curtain.

Like most of us, I have been keeping tabs on the Trump trials. It is like a bad accident you drive past but cannot resist rubbernecking. Even if you hate the guy, he has turned the courthouse into a classic Trump-branded soap opera. Calling in his band of auditioning MAGA politicians, he is getting the airtime his weak ego craves.

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As a true narcissist—and, trust me, I have seen his ego-driven and childlike behavior up close—Mr. Trump is relishing the attention, even though it revolves around his despicable behavior. Some say he is a branding genius, albeit an evil one, and as such there are strategic lessons Democrats can learn about driving the discourse, owning the plot, and writing the story.

Whether it is Mr. Trump’s supposed magnetism, the voyeurism of crowds, or his backers hoping to sneak into one of his court sketches, you have to hand it to Mr. Trump on how well he activates his base. If hats could be worn in court, it would be a flood of red. The Dems need to similarly activate their base like never before. Maybe they should consider their own surprise visitors to the courtroom. I am sure whoever shows up would have the ability to stay awake, and maybe consider wearing a nose plug.

The Dems need to step up and be bold. They need to be audacious, on message and get the spotlight back on them. All without President Biden ever showing up in a courtroom! Though that’s not such a crazy idea.

If you have seen any of my recent media interviews, you have heard me say that my wife hates Trump almost as much as Melania hates him. The Dems need to activate and empower the potent women in their base. Women, if they show up at the polls on election day, can change the course of history. By staying true to the values of the party, and by engaging with activists, community leaders, and citizens from all corners, the Dems can build a groundswell of support that will be crucial in the upcoming elections and wrest the narrative back from Mr. Trump.

Even if you do not agree, or have disdain for his message, Mr. Trump is consistent, with a bravado that enrages many, and empowers others. The Dems need to be powerful, consistent and relay a sense of urgency that communicates that our Democracy is on the line, and we will not stand for it!

If all else fails, the Dems can sell their own line of swag, and I am not talking Bibles and sneakers. Let us get creative with an elevated slogan and plaster the trial with images that will up the Dem ante to steal the thunder back from Trump and drown out his courthouse antics. How about bumper stickers and posters that say, “There are ‘Stormy’ days ahead for Mr. Trump, but clear skies for the Dems.”

In my new book, From Wall Street to the White House and Back: The Scaramucci Guide to Unbreakable Resilience, I talk about lessons I have learned on my own journey. Not that I think Mr. Trump will read it—remember, he does not read! From Viktor Frankl, Dr. Dre, and William Shakespeare to Emily Dickinson, Bill Hader and General John Kelly—all who share their wisdom within its pages—we all have lessons we can learn from those that came before us, along with our contemporaries.

All kidding aside, love him or hate him, Trump and his team have turned the Trump trials into another season of The Apprentice. The Dems can learn a lesson or two on how to position their leaders to win the game show. And if they do, they may be able to say “You’re fired” to the Donald, for the last time.

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