OPINION: BURKHART: Abigail is her name

Jan. 28—We all have a primary goal in life, securing a life supporting environment. Not only a roof over our heads, utilities, food, and clothing, but also a divine sustenance — a holy communion with God with daily praying as he directs: "Thy kingdom come...On earth." [Matthew 6:9-13]

Our going to heaven is not a postmortem experience as so often depicted. Heaven is our daily habitat on earth by our choice. Maintaining this intimate dwelling with God is our preeminent daily task.

Regardless of our physical address on earth, there are constant precautions and vigilance to preserve our heavenly domain. "Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil," [Matthew 6:9-13] is not some kind of rote and pious verbiage — a daily blasé routine.

We live in a war zone; we are under attack. The invitation and temptation to go to hell is ever upon us. The divine author of the Lord's Prayer, Jesus, knew what he was talking about. Enticements to sin are diabolically and cleverly placed in our path daily. Therein we all are afforded the opportunity daily to affirm our commitment to love God.

Our earthly time is precious, with everlasting consequences. Our daily yen for personal pampering and release from "nose to the grindstone" are understandable, but without a license to trespass God and neighbor.

I work outside on my lawn and garden during the summer months. Without a straw hat and sun lotion, I would have had more skin cancers than I have had. During the winter months, I do not need to take such precautions against sun damage. However, there is no such reprieve from satanic attacks — of ingenious and clever lies — tantalizing us with some momentary pleasure or gain.

All of these reflections remind me of our barn cat, Abigail. This barn is my "workshop" — a private place for prayer, reading and writing. Abigail, a stray who wandered into the barn some years ago, lives here and is a daily delightful companion.

In nice weather, she enjoys going outside; but in doing so, she enters a battlefield! My neighbor has four fenced-in dogs, with one who persistently finds an exit.

Abigail is fully aware of this dog and its malicious desire to bite. She maintains a proximity with me and an ever-vigilant surveillance. This vigilance has saved her life repeatedly; affording but a few seconds to climb a tree.

"Be sober and vigilant because the devil as a roaring lion seeks someone to devour. Resist him steadfast in the faith, for you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same suffering." [1 Peter 5:8-10]

Who might be our model? Abigail is her name.

May we daily stay alert and stay alive...and for forever more!