Opinion: Royal Norfolk Show provides a perfect platform for election discussions

Mark Nicholas is managing director of the Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association (RNAA) <i>(Image: Newsquest)</i>
Mark Nicholas is managing director of the Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association (RNAA) (Image: Newsquest)

This week's Royal Norfolk Show provides a perfect platform for pre-election discussions, says RNAA managing director Mark Nicholas.

For over 175 years the Royal Norfolk Show has been bringing people together to learn more about food, farming and the countryside.

During this time there has been incredible change as farming has moved from being a predominately localised economy, to a global business.

Governments and empires have risen and fallen during the same period, with two world wars, pandemics and technology all playing a big role in the massive change we have seen in society in the UK.

And, not for the first time, we once again find ourselves going to the polls to vote in another national election close to the show.

The Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association (RNAA) has never been a political body, it has always been solely focused on enhancing and supporting the agricultural community with the county.

Yet clearly decisions about policy at a national and local level have a big impact on our members and the wider community.

So, while we do not get involved in politics, we have always looked to convene others to enable informed discussion and debate on how we collectively tackle the issues facing the industry.

Right now some of these issues are more pressing than ever, with climate change, exiting the EU and global events all impacting decisions being made by the farming community.

These in turn affect the whole country, as food pricing and security remain ongoing challenges.

Livestock competitors at the Royal Norfolk Show (Image: Newsquest)

So, with over 700 agriculturally-led exhibitors and stands at this year’s show, and a large number of the nation’s and region’s leading bodies – including the Royal Agricultural Society of England, RNAA, CLA (Country Land and Business Association), NFU (National Farmers' Union), British Sugar, Fram Farmers and AgritechE – the show provides the perfect place for people to come together and help advise and influence some of the decisions and decision-makers that will affect food and farming in the county.

So whatever way people choose to vote, and whichever party finds itself in power in the coming weeks, the Royal Norfolk Show will continue to be a place where the very best ideas are shared, with the objective of improving lives for everyone.