'Opportunity’ for more affordable and social housing say independent councillors as land sell-offs called in

The former Lindsey Lower School playing field, Cleethorpes
-Credit: (Image: Google Street Map)

The sales of council-owned sites have been called in by opposition councillors in North East Lincolnshire who see them as an opportunity to secure more social housing.

Independents for North East Lincolnshire Group councillors believe two sites, the former council depot at Weelsby Avenue, Grimsby, and land at former Lindsey Lower School, Cleethorpes, offer a chance to address demand for social housing in the area. They have also called in a third, Grimsby Business Centre in King Edward Street, Grimsby, to seek more detail on the proposed sale's cost benefits.

The proposed sales will be discussed at a North East Lincolnshire Council transport, infrastructure and strategic housing scrutiny panel meeting on Thursday evening. Part of the discussion will be behind closed doors because of the sensitive nature of the sales.

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Independent group Cllr Les Bonner is a signatory to the former Weelsby depot and Lindsey Lower School call-ins. “My concern is we have a considerable number of people who are unable to afford suitable housing for themselves. The sale of these two pieces of land is an opportunity to provide some social housing for people," he said.

Cllr Bonner stated that 1,295 local people are in need of affordable housing accommodation, according to the council's housing and economic development needs assessment that was prepared late last year. "I would like them to reconsider and offer the land to a developer who's prepared to produce some affordable and social housing," he said.

Social housing would be 50 per cent below the market rate, Cllr Bonner added, saying that the lower income quartile in North East Lincolnshire is just short of £17,000.

"Although the prices would be lower, if it was for social or affordable housing, there are other benefits that would offset the difference," he said. "One of the main benefits is that people who are in sub-standard accommodation at the moment, some of them would have the opportunity to move into a modern, well-insulated home, in a good state of repair. It would positively affect their wellbeing."

Meanwhile, vacated housing could be refurbished to a higher standard. He also said the jobs for local people and helping economic growth would be other benefits from the affordable housing.

He added a council needs assessment showed 966 properties had been demolished or lost from the area's housing stock over the past ten years, largely made up of the former Comber Place maisonettes.

In late 2022, the council was granted £50,000 from the Brownfield Land Release Fund for preparatory works at the former Weelsby depot. The potential for 25 new homes had been identified then. In 2019, part of £2.7m Homes England awarded cash went towards preparatory works on Lower Lindsey School's playing field. This was based on the potential for 96 homes, with ten per cent affordable housing.