The 'Outstanding' Surrey secondary schools according to Ofsted and what the watchdog had to say

-Credit: (Image: Google)
-Credit: (Image: Google)

A total of 27 state secondary schools as well as academies, special, and independent schools in Surrey that cater to secondary-age pupils have achieved the highest standards set out by Ofsted. It means that more than a fifth of the more than 115 similarly categorised schools listed and inspected by the education watchdog in the county have been graded ‘Outstanding’.

More than 50 others in Surrey are rated ‘Good’ while just three hold the lowest score of ‘Inadequate’. Ofsted inspectors carry out hundreds of inspections across the UK each week to ensure organisations providing education, training and care services do so to a high standard for children and those enrolled.

Schools are graded on a four-point scale and provided an overall rating of either ‘Outstanding’, ‘Good’, ‘Requires improvement’, or ‘Inadequate’. Ofsted inspection reports are broken down into categories that include the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management.

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Schools that are found to be ‘Outstanding’ are deemed to deliver highly effective outcomes and that meet pupils’ needs. Pupils at these schools are known to feel safe and happy and have a positive outlook towards their future prospects.

SurreyLive has listed the ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted-inspected secondary schools found in the county below, along with the date of the most recent report published by the watchdog. Other private and independent schools are inspected using other means and by other boards, including by the Independent Schools Inspectorate. Rankings from the Ofsted website are correct at the time of publication.

All Hallows Catholic School

Location: Weybourne Road, Farnham

Last inspection: June 26, 2014

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Students’ progress is outstanding because teaching has moved into a higher gear since the previous inspection. It is extremely effective in helping students to learn and to do well in examinations.”

  • “Students feel completely safe and happy at school. They are very well cared for and admit that the strict rules contribute to their outstanding behaviour.”

  • “The school fosters very harmonious and respectful relationships between students and between students and staff.”

Esher Sixth Form College

Location: Weston Green Road, Thames Ditton

Last inspection: November 18, 2022

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Learners have exceptionally positive attitudes towards their education. They thrive in a culture of high expectations set by leaders and teachers. Learners attend well and build their confidence and resilience quickly.

  • “Teachers use a range of effective strategies that help new learners to quickly form positive relations with their peers and settle into college life. As a result, learners are highly motivated, committed to their studies and thoroughly enjoy their time at Esher Sixth Form College.”

Freemantles School

Freemantles School -Credit:Google
Freemantles School -Credit:Google

Location: Heath Road, Mayford Green

Last inspection: January 29, 2024

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Freemantles School provides an exceptional quality of care and education. Staff place pupils’ emotional well-being front and centre of every decision made about an individual’s education. Staff provide a safe and nurturing environment so that pupils can thrive.”

  • “The meticulously designed curriculum provides pupils with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive socially and academically. Pupils are taught essential communication, literacy and numeracy skills. They also learn to make sense of the world around them while developing independence and personal skills.”

Glyn School

Location: The Kingsway, Epsom

Last inspection: October 23, 2023

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Pupils actively embrace the school’s values of respect, integrity, kindness and endeavour. They are courteous to one another and take pride in their work. Poor behaviour is extremely rare, with preventative measures in place to minimise bullying and harassment.”

  • “Opportunities to develop pupils’ talents and interests are exceptional and wideranging. Disadvantaged pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), speak highly of these opportunities. Care for the most vulnerable pupils is exceptional.”

Godalming College

Location: Tuesley Lane, Godalming

Last inspection: January 21, 2020

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Students thrive in the atmosphere of industrious learning that leaders and staff have created. Students greatly enjoy their time at college and relish their education. They understand the need to work hard to meet their goals, and almost all do.”

  • “Trustees, leaders, managers and staff have very high expectations of their students. They have developed an outstanding culture in the college, which concentrates very strongly on learning and developing students’ independent learning skills. As a result, students are highly motivated, determined to succeed and studious.”

Gordon’s School

Location: Bagshot Road, West End

Last inspection: November 17, 2017

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Gordon’s School offers a warm and welcoming community where pupils feel safe and well supported by the adults who care for them. The house system and the pastoral support team provide well-organised layers of care that meet the needs of individual pupils very well.”

  • “Staff express absolute clarity about what to do if they have a concern about a pupil, and describe well-rehearsed routines for seeking support and guidance from the designated safeguarding lead where appropriate. They understand their specific responsibilities relating to e-safety and reporting any suspected cases of abuse or radicalisation.”

Gosden House School

The entrance to Gosden House School -Credit:Google
The entrance to Gosden House School -Credit:Google

Location: Horsham Road, Bramley

Last inspection: January 7, 2020

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Pupils are very happy at this school because it is extremely friendly and welcoming. They benefit from the highly skilled support of the staff and are exceptionally well prepared for their future.”

  • “The opportunities and experience the school offers to promote pupils’ personal development are impressive. The school is set in fantastic grounds that provide extensive outside learning opportunities, such as gardening and animal care, as well as being the location for the annual ‘GOSFEST’. This is a festival showcasing the school’s talents in dance, music and drama.”

Guildford County School

Location: Farnham Road, Guildford

Last inspection: April 27, 2023

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Pupils are ambitious to learn, and they achieve exceptionally well. The school has a creative and purposeful environment. Here, pupils feel safe. Pupils experience a rich and varied learning experience, both in and out of lessons. This is a community where, as staff and pupils proudly state, ‘better never stops’.”

  • “Leaders and staff have created a rich curriculum designed to ensure that all pupils become resilient and thoughtful learners. Each subject has clear and ambitious goals for pupils. These include gaining a deep and lasting understanding of the knowledge and skills that they have learned.”

Hinchley Wood School

Location: Claygate Lane, Hinchley Wood

Last inspection: November 20, 2023

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Pupils embrace the school’s values of determination, independence, enthusiasm, confidence and consideration. The curriculum extends beyond the academic and actively fosters pupils’ personal development. Leaders have ensured that all pupils have access to a wide-ranging and rich set of experiences. The school has high expectations and, as a result, pupils achieve highly.”

  • “The school is responsive to pupils’ views and interests, developing their character and leadership skills. Sixth-form students regularly support younger pupils in their lessons. Students and pupils make an excellent contribution to the local community.”

Hoe Valley School

Location: Egley Road, Woking

Last inspection: May 8, 2024

Quotes from latest report:

  • “The school is ambitious for all pupils to do well. Its ethos of being ‘a local school for all pupils’ sees it encourage them to successfully study a wide range of subjects. In very many cases, and especially for most-able pupils, its ambition is achieved, with many pupils being set up well for the future. However, there are some pupils, notably disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), who are not achieving as much as they could.”

  • “Pupils are kept safe at the school through the staff team’s vigilance and tenacity in supporting them. They say they feel well looked after. Behaviour in lessons and around the school is orderly and respectful on the part of most pupils, though a few find it hard to adhere to the school’s high expectations. There is little bullying in the school and pupils are confident that any which occurs is tackled effectively by staff.”

Jigsaw CABAS School

Location: Dunsfold Park, Cranleigh

Last inspection: October 11, 2023

Quotes from latest report:

  • “This is an extremely nurturing and safe place where happy pupils flourish. Staff know the needs of each pupil exceptionally well. When pupils first arrive, staff find out as much as possible about them. They use this information to create a highly personalised curriculum.”

  • “The way this school helps pupils overcome any challenges is impressive. There is an inherent culture of high expectations. Pupils develop very strong friendships and are kind, responsible young citizens. Any behaviour issues are dealt with sensitively.”

Limpsfield Grange School

Limpsfield Grange School -Credit:Google
Limpsfield Grange School -Credit:Google

Location: Bluehouse Lane, Oxted

Last inspection: May 9, 2024

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Pupils thrive in the school’s calm, welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Strong relationships and a relaxed ethos ensure that they feel settled and secure. Staff have the highest expectations of all pupils, and rightly so.”

  • “The school’s unwavering focus on making sure that every pupil is fully prepared for the next stage of their education is a highly successful part of its work. Pupils are taught skills which are essential to ensuring that they can participate fully in the world of work.”

Merrywood House Independent Special School

Location: Merrywood Grove, Tadworth

Last inspection: March 28, 2024

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Merrywood is a safe and caring place to learn. Pupils’ lives are transformed by attending this school and they flourish. This is noticed by parents and carers, with one commenting, ‘this school has been life changing for my child’.”

  • “At the heart of this school is a carefully designed, aspirational curriculum that has been expertly constructed to meet the needs of its individual pupils. Alongside this, staff thoughtfully create a safe and nurturing educational environment in which pupils want to learn.”

Moor House School & College

Location: Mill Lane, Hurst Green

Last inspection: January 20, 2023

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Pupils at Moor House School and College are happy, confident and eager to learn. They fully appreciate how well they are helped to achieve their full potential. Highly skilled staff enable pupils to realise that they can overcome their barriers to learning.”

  • “The impressive, collaborative, multidisciplinary approach ensures pupils make outstanding progress with their speech and language. Staff know and understand pupils exceptionally well. They are united in their desire to equip pupils to be as independent and successful as possible in adult life.”

More House School

Location: Moons Hill, Frensham

Last inspection: September 6, 2023

Quotes from latest report:

  • “This is a school where high ambitions underpin every aspect of day-to-day life. Staff do not let the barriers pupils face get in the way of what they teach. Expectations are high. Pupils respond well to the challenges they are set because their needs are understood and the support they receive is highly effective.”

  • “The school has been rated outstanding for some time, yet has not stood still in its ambition to evolve and to improve. Its curriculum has great breadth. Students in the sixth form access a wide range of subjects. The curriculum is further strengthened by the school’s excellent range of accommodation and teaching resources.”

Rosebery School

Location: White Horse Drive, Epsom

Last inspection: March 10, 2023

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Pupils are proud members of the school community. They appreciate their similarities and celebrate their differences. They are proud of their achievements and aspirational for their future. All members of the school community behave in a way that upholds the values and ethos of the Rosebery Way. Pupils are happy and safe.”

  • “The curriculum is expertly planned, meticulously sequenced and precisely implemented. It is hierarchical, developmental and ambitious. The sixth-form curriculum is bold and relevant.”

Serenity School

Location: Couldsdon Lane, Chipstead

Last inspection: July 5, 2023

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Pupils love coming to Serenity School. They described their experiences very positively, saying that they are happy and feel safe. Pupils get on well with each other and any bullying is tackled quickly.”

  • “Pupils thrive here in so many different ways. Often, their previous experiences of school have been negative. Leaders know that time is precious. They have unrelenting aspirations for every pupil. The curriculum is highly personalised to suit pupils’ individual and wide-ranging needs.”

St Andrew’s Catholic School

Location: Grange Road, Leatherhead

Last inspection: January 14, 2013

Quotes from latest report:

  • “This outstanding school enables almost all its pupils to make rapid progress in their learning and to achieve extremely well.”

  • “The school’s promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is highly effective, and pupils are very well prepared for the next stage of their education and for work.”

St Bede’s School

St Bede’s School -Credit:Google
St Bede’s School -Credit:Google

Location: Carlton Road, Redhill

Last inspection: May 23, 2023

Quotes from latest report:

  • “The positive attitude of pupils means that lessons are very rarely disrupted. They enjoy their time in class and describe their lessons as ‘inspirational’. The content of these inspirational lessons reflects the high expectations that staff have for what pupils can accomplish.”

  • “Leaders in subjects across the school have created an ambitious curriculum. They have identified the knowledge that pupils need to learn that will allow them to reach challenging end points. This curriculum is very well sequenced and teachers make frequent links back to previous lessons. This allows pupils to confidently discuss what they have learned and to apply this prior learning to new situations."

St Joseph’s Specialist Trust

Location: Amlets Lane, Cranleigh

Last inspection: May 10, 2023

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Pupils receive a warm welcome when they arrive at school, and this sets them up for a positive day. They are delighted to greet their friends. Pupils form exceptionally trusting relationships with staff, who know them well.”

  • “Leaders have designed and implemented a carefully organised curriculum. This makes sure pupils are exceptionally well prepared for their next steps in education or employment. The flexible ‘learning pathway’ approach means the curriculum is tailored to meet individual needs. Each pupil has personalised targets based on their education, health and care plan outcomes.”

St Paul’s Catholic College

Location: Manor Lane, Sunbury-on-Thames

Last inspection: January 30, 2024

Quotes from latest report:

  • Pupils talk of ‘love’ and ‘service’ as being central to the school’s ethos and culture. The school’s compassionate ethos helps pupils develop a strong sense of belonging. They say that everyone is enabled to perform at their very best. Both staff and pupils are very proud to be part of the school. "

  • "Teacher’s subject knowledge is a strength of the school. Highly effective training for new teachers helps them to develop their expertise quickly. Staff are proud of their work. They strive to improve their already excellent teaching skills."

Sunnydown School

Location: Whyteleafe Road, Caterham

Last inspection: July 6, 2023

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Pupils thrive in this inspirational and transformative school. They value the high ambitions that leaders have for them. Pupils flourish due to the high-quality guidance and support staff give them. Consequently, they are enthusiastic and focused learners.”

  • “Teachers and leaders regularly and precisely check how well pupils are learning. They use information from assessments to spot when a pupil may be falling behind. Teachers fine tune their planning and provide pupils with extra activities, which helps them to close gaps in their knowledge.”

The Children’s Trust School

Location: Tadworth Court, Tadworth

Last inspection: November 17, 2023

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Pupils flourish at this school. Their individuality is recognised and nurtured. One

  • parent told us that this school ‘opens up a whole new world’ for its pupils. We agree. Staff here are determined that pupils should experience life in all its richness, regardless of their special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).”

  • “The needs of pupils are always the first priority at The Children’s Trust School. A caring, child-centred culture is tangible throughout the organisation from the work of trustees through to daily classroom interactions. Staff get to know pupils exceptionally well. They are skilled in interpreting every nuance in pupils’ behaviour and communication.”

Tomlinscote School

Location: Tomlinscote Way, Frimley

Last inspection: January 12, 2024

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Pupils flourish at this exceptional school. They are highly ambitious for themselves and each other. The school provides support, care and guidance to ensure that success is possible for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). All pupils are expected to achieve highly, and they do.”

  • “The school is an inclusive community in which difference is valued and discrimination is not tolerated. Staff and pupils have warm relationships founded on respect and a love of learning. Pupils eagerly explain how the school’s extensive and wellconsidered curriculum helps them pursue their dreams.”

Walton Leigh School

Location: Queen’s Road, Hersham

Last inspection: March 18, 2024

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Pupils are extremely happy and safe in this inclusive school. Staff have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour and conduct. The care and support that pupils receive is first class. They are known as individuals. Pupils feel loved and respected.”

  • “The school’s motto, ‘Making every day count’, is threaded firmly into all aspects of daily routines. The school has crafted an extremely innovative and aspirational curriculum in all subjects. Pupils learn in purposefully designed curriculum pathways which take account primarily of their special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and education, health and care (EHC plan) targets.”

Woking College

Location: Rydens Way, Woking

Last inspection: November 28, 2022

Quotes from latest report:

  • “All students are highly positive about their learning. Staff motivate them extremely well which ensures most students develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours they need to be ready for their next steps.”

  • “Well-qualified teachers with strong subject knowledge help students understand new information quickly. Students respond positively to teachers’ creative activities in lessons which aid their comprehension of complex concepts and theories.”

Woodlands School

Location: Fortyfoot Road, Leatherhead

Last inspection: January 26, 2024

Quotes from latest report:

  • “Woodlands School ensures that every pupil has a voice. Pupils develop strategies which enable them to communicate their thoughts, feelings and wishes clearly and confidently. The impact on their well-being is significant. They feel safe and well cared for, knowing that their views will be heard and valued.”

  • “The school’s culture of continuous review and improvement has ensured that the curriculum has remained current, relevant, and grounded in the most up-to-date research about how pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) learn best.”

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