Oxfordshire community set to join march in London this weekend

The march will take place in London this Saturday <i>(Image: Contributed)</i>
The march will take place in London this Saturday (Image: Contributed)

PEOPLE from all parts of Oxfordshire will join a major march this weekend, with a shared call to 'Restore Nature Now'.

The rally, taking place on Saturday, June 22, will bring together a 'unique' grouping of national organisations including the National Trust, Friends of the Earth, the RSPB, the Wildlife Trusts, WWF and Extinction Rebellion.

Broadcaster Chris Packham will be one of the leaders of the march and rally.

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There will be an ‘Oxfordshire meet up’ before the start of the march for a combined photo, and groups will meet from 12.15pm to 12.30pm around a big ‘Oxfordshire says restore nature now!’ banner in Hyde Park.

Chris Church of Oxford Friends of the Earth said: “We are delighted to see such a wide response to this important national event.

"People from towns and villages across the county will be coming together to join others from across the UK with a simple message to the next government: our nature is in decline and we need you to act.”