Oz-some: St Columba's High end year with a wizard show

Wizard of Oz <i>(Image: contributed)</i>
Wizard of Oz (Image: contributed)

ST Columba's High in Gourock is celebrating the end of the school term with the Wizard of Oz.

With more than 70 youngsters involved both on and off stage they have been able to double cast the roles to give everyone a chance to shine.

Director and drama teacher Lynsey Mitchell said: "It has been great to work on The Wizard of Oz with our talented young people.

"We have pupils from S1 to S6 performing in a range of roles and taking leadership opportunities as stage manager and lighting designer.

"It's not just our drama and music departments that contribute, our art department has created an incredible Emerald City backdrop which showcases the skills of our Higher Art and Creative Industries pupils.

"We are looking forward to welcoming our audiences as they follow the yellow brick road with us this week."

The Wizard of Oz runs until tonight in St Columba's High School, Gourock.

It follows on from the Sound of Music last year and Snow White in December.

Tickets can still be bought for £10 adults and £8 under 18s. They can be reserved by calling 01475 715250 and are available on the door.