Paedophile jailed after sending pictures to child activist groups

Andrew Turiccki, 31, began talking to the “girls”, aged 13 and 14, who were actually an online child activist group <i>(Image: Unsplash)</i>
Andrew Turiccki, 31, began talking to the “girls”, aged 13 and 14, who were actually an online child activist group (Image: Unsplash)

A paedophile who sent inappropriate pictures of himself to what he thought were two girls has been jailed.

Andrew Turiccki, 31, began talking to the “girls”, aged 13 and 14, who were actually an online child activist group, using a false name on Facebook in January 2022.

As well as inappropriate images, Turiccki also made sexual comments.

However, the online child activist group were unable to get enough details about Turiccki so they created an adult decoy profile.

Through this, they contacted Turiccki on the phone number he had given previously and he sent the same inappropriate images of himself as well as revealing his identity.

The online group arrived in Eastfield Road, Peterborough, to accost Turiccki on 20 February 2022 and he was arrested by officers.

Yesterday (Monday, 24 June), at Peterborough Crown Court, Turiccki, of no fixed address, was jailed for eight months, having pleaded guilty to two counts of attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child.

Detective Sergeant George Neal said: "Although Turiccki didn’t commit any contact offences, the intent was clearly there to harm a child. The force work tirelessly to apprehend and bring to justice those who are willing to cause harm to society's most vulnerable people."

You can read more about our work to tackle child abuse, including how to spot the signs and report concerns, on the force’s dedicated child abuse information webpages.