What the papers say – February 23

The Labour Party’s leadership battle features amid a wide variety of stories on the nation’s front pages.

The Independent leads with Sir Keir Starmer’s pledge for ‘radical socialism’ in his bid to become Labour leader, while The Observer quotes the Holborn and St Pancras MP as saying Labour needs to unite or face a generation in opposition.

The Sunday Express says Downing Street has “mocked” the EU as it issued a warning to Brussels ahead of post-Brexit trade talks.

House of Lords expenses have spiralled out of control, according to an investigation in The Sunday Times.

And Boris Johnson is set to replace a selection of senior civil servants who have been placed on a “hit list”, The Sunday Telegraph reports.

Meanwhile, The Mail on Sunday leads with an interview with the Duchess of Cambridge, who says she suffers guilt from juggling motherhood and work.

The Daily Star Sunday leads on a former British policeman who arranges trophy hunting expeditions in Africa, while the Sunday People reports on a British grandmother who fears she will die in a Portuguese prison after being jailed with her husband on charges of smuggling cocaine.

And a British barmaid has been quizzed by police over the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, according to the Sunday Mirror.