What the papers say – November 21

The Duke of York’s decision to step down from royal duties fills the nation’s papers on Thursday’s.

The Times  headline says Andrew “stands down after crisis talks with Queen”, the Daily Mail casts the duke as an “Outcast”, and the Daily Mirror leads with the headline “I’m sorry mummy”.

Andrew was “shamed into stepping down” from his duties, the Daily Express says, with the i claiming there is a “Crisis at the palace”.

The Daily Telegraph also reports on the duke’s departure from public life, and covers an election pledge by Prime Minister Boris Johnson that the elderly will not have to sell their homes to pay for social care.

Meanwhile, Labour has promised £75 billion to tackle the “UK housing crisis” if elected, according to The Guardian.

The US ambassador to the EU, Gordon Sondland, has testified he followed orders from US President Donald Trump “on Ukraine quid pro quo”, the Financial Times reports.

The Independent continues its reporting on the deaths of babies and mothers in the care of Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital Trust, saying hundreds of families are still “in dark” over the situation.

And the Daily Star decries a “Scrooge ban on Xmas Crackers” by “Barmy business bosses” who want to do away with excess waste.