Patrick Dempsey Crowned People Magazine’s 2023 Sexiest Man Alive

Eric Gaillard/Reuters
Eric Gaillard/Reuters

Time has been unspeakably kind to Patrick Dempsey—and now he’s got an award to prove it. On Tuesday, People magazine named the actor 2023’s Sexiest Man Alive, vaulting him into an exclusive club made up of previous winners including Paul Rudd, Idris Elba, and fellow TV physician heartthrob George Clooney, who is one of three men to win the title twice (the others being Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp). “I’m glad it’s happening at this point in my life,” the 57-year-old Grey’s Anatomy star told People. “It’s nice to have the recognition, and certainly my ego takes a little bump, but it gives me the platform to use it for something positive.” He also said he was “completely shocked” when he heard he’d won and joked: “I’ve always been the bridesmaid!” Dempsey follows Captain America himself in the list of winners after actor Chris Evans claimed last year’s title. The inaugural award—in 1985—was handed to Mel Gibson.

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