Paul McCartney Interview Hilariously Edited So He's Grooving To Smash Mouth

A YouTube duo has managed to do something amazing by making the Smash Mouth hit “All Star” go viral once again ― with a little help from Paul McCartney.

YouTube comedians Twister & Jumanji recently made a mashup video using Smash Mouth’s 1999 smash with a clip from “McCartney 3,2,1,” a 2021 Hulu series where the former Beatle discusses his music with producer Rick Rubin.

Using clever editing and the various tracks of the song, it appears as if McCartney and Rubin are grooving to “All Star.”

“Clearly, these guys are going places,” Rubin says, seemingly referring to Smash Mouth (though his original comment was actually about the Beatles).

“Good group,” McCartney says with a giggle before Rubin appears to play another song for the rock legend’s perusal: “Never Gonna Give You Up,” by Rick Astley.

You can see the video below.

The video has been seen more than 250,000 times since it was posted last week, and many people have commented that the editing is so good they were almost convinced it was legit.

Some people even said the video made them realize that “All Star” is quite an intricate production.

McCartney hasn’t commented on the mashup, but Smash Mouth did, telling the creators, “LOL,” on the YouTube page and sharing it on social media.

It’s not the first time someone has tried to combine Smash Mouth and the Beatles, such as this mix of “Help!” and “All Star.”

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
