Pedro Pascal & Russell Tovey Were Shut Out Of A Pedro Pascal Exhibit

Russell Tovey and Pedro Pascal
Russell Tovey and Pedro Pascal

Well, this is awkward.

The internet’s daddy, Pedro Pascal, tried to take in the local arts in Margate, England on Sunday only to be turned away because the gallery was closed. The subject of the exhibit: Pedro Pascal.

Pascal arrived at the Rhodes Gallery in Margate along with Looking star Russell Tovey, and musician Robert Diament, with hopes of checking out the “ADHD Hyper Fixation and why it looks like I love Pedro Pascal” installation, sadly they discovered that it was closed for the day.

How do we know? Because Tovey and Russell shared an image of the three of them outside the gallery on Talk Art Podcast Instagram page.

Russell Tovey, Pedro Pascal, and Robert Diament
Russell Tovey, Pedro Pascal, and Robert Diament


The artist behind the exhibit was delighted to hear about the attempted visit. “It was absolutely fantastic,” she told The Independent. “Although I can imagine he’s slightly embarrassed, with all the art being about him! I’m gutted he showed up on a Sunday when the gallery was closed. I’d love for Robert to bring him along when we’re actually open.”

Heidi Gentle Burrell created the exhibit in June, and told The Independent that she had previously met Diament while she was prepping the exhibit and that he had made a video and joked that he intended to share it with the actor.

Burrell first learned that Pascal tried to see the show when people began sharing the image of him outside with her on Instagram. “So many lovely people have messaged me in the last couple of days. I completely understand why Robert didn’t tell me he was going with Pedro, they want their privacy. But I’m a bit gutted I missed them!”

“It’s fantastic for me, though,” she added. “Hopefully it’ll elevate the conversation around neurodivergence. I feel like I’m helping to create a positive change.”

Speaking with local UK news outlet Essex Live, Burrell explained that her painting is one of the ways she deals with the hyper fixation that comes along with her “self-diagnosed” ADHD. “I just found he had a really interesting face, from an artistic point-of-view,” she added. “He’s got two little bald patches in his beard and creases in his eyebrows and bridge of his nose. I wouldn’t call myself an obsessed fan, but I do hyper-fixate on capturing him in my art.”

If Pascal wants to take another stab at checking out the exhibit, it runs through September 1.