People Are Revealing Which Jobs Give Them The Ick In A Potential Partner

When it comes to picking a partner, everyone has their own taste — even when it comes to the kind of job they have. Recently, u/Electrical-Ad1288 asked people on Reddit to share the jobs that would be a turnoff for them. And whether their opinions were based on lifestyle differences, incompatible beliefs, or just plain weird vibes, people had a lot to say. Here are some of the top comments:

Dean Mitchell via Getty Images

When it comes to picking a partner, everyone has their own taste — even when it comes to the kind of job they have. Recently, u/Electrical-Ad1288 asked people on Reddit to share the jobs that would be a turnoff for them. And whether their opinions were based on lifestyle differences, incompatible beliefs, or just plain weird vibes, people had a lot to say. Here are some of the top comments:


"Any careers that would have them away for long periods of time, like flight attendants or long-haul truckers."


Halfpoint Images via Getty Images

"Back in the day when I was on Tinder, I'd get unmatched because when they asked what I did, I always said I worked in a factory, which was true. A lot of the time, they never responded or unmatched because I guess they thought I was in a low-paid job. Not to brag, but it is anything but low paid, and I had life sorted by 27 with a house, car, etc., and a decent wedge of disposable income. I found it weeded quite a few out! One girl I matched with took a keen interest in the fact that I worked in a factory and asked me loads of questions about it. We met up and we got married four years later and are still happily married!"


Octavio Jones / Getty Images

"Politicians. Their professional and personal lives WILL get mixed up. You'll be forced to attend public events to up their public image and show the world that they are a normal person. The worst part is, if they say something stupid in a speech or press conference, you'll be known as the bigger idiot for marrying someone that dumb."


via Associated Press

"Royalty falls under this umbrella. Disney tells us it is a fairy tale to marry a prince, but then you have to live a strictly regimented life under a microscope and wear panty hose every single day. No, thank you."



"'Influencer.' First of all, they influence nothing and are sheep following the crowds. Second, I believe in living in the moment, can't stand the thought of cameras everywhere all the time, and I wouldn't want to be part of their stupid, mindless meme videos. There are already enough cameras recording everywhere — why would I voluntarily invite more?"


fotostorm via Getty Images

"Medical debt collector. Scum of the earth."


Pedro Merino via Getty Images

"I (a woman in my 30s) have had men tell me they couldn’t date me because I’m a licensed massage therapist. Absolutely nothing shady about what I do, but they didn’t like the idea of me having my hands on other men."


Yellow Dog Productions / Getty Images

"People say law is rough to be married to, especially in the early years, when you’re doing tons of overtime."


skynesher via Getty Images

"Doctors. I've dated enough of them to know they suck! Sure, they can help in some situations, but their attitudes are just not worth it. They want an employee, not a wife. I'm not about that crap."


Douglas Sacha via Getty Images

"Police officer. Dated a couple, both terrible."



"Honestly, the restaurant/service industry. And I don’t mean anything negative against servers, bartenders, or anything. Hell, a good many of my friends are in that industry. It’s just that their mostly evening/weekend work schedules vs. my Monday-through-Friday work schedule means zero time to spend together. I dated a bartender once who worked at a high-volume club. She was awesome and is still a good friend, but essentially, most of the time I wanted to see her, I just drove to her work and sat at the bar. We’d go back to her place and pass out at 4 a.m. Then I’d get up at 6:30 and go to work. She worked almost every night, so 'us' time was rare. It just wasn’t a good fit. Still love her dearly, though!"


Dennis Barnes via Getty Images

"I once dated a guy who seemed perfect in almost every way except for his desired career path, which was to work in a mortuary embalming the deceased. I never did understand it. Creeped me TF out — had to nope right outta there no matter how damn attractive he was."


Leren Lu / Getty Images

"As a teacher, I would never date another teacher. I work long hours in a stressful job, and when I get home, I need my spouse able to support me physically and emotionally. I'm not ashamed to say I just don't have the reserves to do for someone else what my husband does for me in that regard."


d3sign via Getty Images

"MLM salesperson!"


Aleksandr Zubkov via Getty Images

"I'm a writer. When I've told people this, I've watched the interest from them literally vanish. I'm assuming that's because they just think it means I'm broke or unemployed, when, in reality, I do very, very well for myself."



"Professional landlord or Airbnb owner."


Javier Ghersi via Getty Images

"If the main goal of your job is to make money, I'm out. Salespeople, bankers, a share of businesspeople, these are not my types at all."


Shannon Fagan / Getty Images

"Any type of surgeon. I know logically they are amazing members of the society and help people and are almost always smart. But a few things about their jobs are red flags to me. They hold too much power between life and death. Their hands are inside a human being on way more than acceptable occasions. They eventually become desensitized to death and blood. I feel their profession is too similar to a serial killer or a slaughterhouse worker/butcher. I’m not proud of this feeling, though."


Douglas Sacha via Getty Images

"The military. I highly respect people who choose this line of work, but personally it would be really stressful for me when they get deployed."


Tatiana Maksimova via Getty Images

"Zookeeper. I’d love to hear the stories, but I've heard horrendous things about the smell and can barely handle being around wet dogs."



"Parking inspector. Why be in a job where all you do is ruin people’s days? 😂"


Hispanolistic via Getty Images

"Sales. It takes a certain personality type to be good at sales, and I find that personality pretty annoying."


Westend61 via Getty Images

"Some night jobs, like night guard, for example. You'd barely get any time together, and if they woke me up every night when they came home, my sleep schedule would surely get ruined. Not so great, since sleep is very important to me."


And finally:
And finally:

Pm Images / Getty Images

And finally: "Anyone who doesn’t have a healthy work-life balance. Not only do I value quality time in my relationships, but stress has serious effects on the body and health. So management consultants, investment bankers, or just people who choose to sacrifice their entire life to improve the bottom line of a greedy, highly profitable corporation! Unfortunately, this has been my type in my last three relationships."


Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.