These people have all been sentenced at Truro Magistrates' Court this week

Truro Magistrates' Court is a very busy place.

It deals with a huge range of offences ranging from people not paying a television licence to violent attacks.

The cases vary from being very serious, when they will be committed to crown court, to the less serious ones that are dealt with by the magistrates themselves.

Here are some of the cases dealt with by the court this week. We have included who has been in the dock, what they were accused of and how the case was concluded.

David Glyn Hughes

Gwavas Street


Aged: 41

Pleaded guilty to on January 26 entering a licenced premises on the Penzance pubwatch scheme which he was prohibited from doing by a Criminal Behaviour Order.

Then on January 28 used threating or abusive behaviour towards Gary Beazley.

Also that day was found in a state of public drunkenness in Penzance and caused people to fear for their safety and entered the London Inn breaching the terms of his Criminal Behaviour Order.

On January 28 also threatened to smash the windows of the London Inn belonging to Bob Stokes and used abusive or insulting words of behaviour to Benjamin Ruddock.

Committed to prison for 12 weeks concurrent for all charges. Reason: Offence so serious because deliberate offending impact on victims, large numbers of people in vicinity, threats to kill, failure to respond to previous orders.

Tamsin Louise Clark



On June 4 in Penryn assaulted Joanne Prynn by beating her.

On June 4 in Penryn assaulted Codi Davies by beating her.

Six month 7pm to 7am curfew and must pay £100 to victims.

Laura Jackson



On June 4 in Penryn assaulted Joanne Prynn by beating her.

Three months 7pm to 7am curfew and must pay victim £100 in compensation.

Andrea Anne Leighton-Trusk

Fordh Lacey



On 05/12/2014 used a colour television receiver without a licence.

Discharged conditionally for 3 months.

Victim surcharge and collection order made.

Sharon Eileen Walter

Trenwith Bridge Nanjivey

St Ives


On July 22 2017 at St Ives drove over the limit. Pleaded not guilty, found guilty.

Fined £480 and must pay £300 costs and a victim surcharge.

Disqualified from holding a driving licence for 15 months.

Jordon Todd




On December 17, 2017, at Camborne made contacted with Tegan Woods and attended The Regal in Church Lane, Camborne, which he was prevented from doing by a restraining order.

On December 9 at Falmouth made contact with Tegan Woods which he was prevented from doing by a restraining order.

Community order made. Must participate in relationships and substance misuse for programmes for 15 days. Made subject to a three week 7pm-7am curfew. Pay costs and surcharge.

Robert Edward Derosa

No fixed abode


On January 28 in Truro in possession of an open container of alcohol in a public place which he was prevented from doing so by a Criminal Behaviour Order.

12-week prison sentence suspended for 12 months.

Tian Sinead Hawkes

No fixed abode


Eight thefts of clothes and alcohol from various shops in and around Penzance.

10-week prison sentence.

Kyle Gribble



On July 15, 2017, in St Just were guilty, while drunk of disorderly behaviour.

Conditionally discharged for 12 months.

Must pay costs and surcharge.

Christopher David Munday

Coronation Terrace



Between June 1, 2016, and August 31, 2016, in Truro stole money to the value of £716.14 belonging to Sarah Plumridge, Alison Sadly and Ben Ingram.

Fined £180, must pay compensation of £716.14.

Michael David Richards

Basset Road

Camborne (formerly of Falmouth)


On January 28 in Camborne was in possession of an open bottle of vodka which was prohibited by a Criminal Behaviour Order.

Breached a suspended sentence given for being drunk in public and using swear words that intimidated or offended the public.

Nine-week prison sentence.