Peterborough drug dealer caught with class A in bra

Margaret Walker, who has more than 40 convictions to her name, has been jailed after being caught dealing class A drugs in Peterborough. <i>(Image: Police)</i>
Margaret Walker, who has more than 40 convictions to her name, has been jailed after being caught dealing class A drugs in Peterborough. (Image: Police)

A prolific criminal with more than 40 convictions to her name has been jailed after being caught dealing class A drugs in Peterborough.

CCTV operators spotted Margaret Walker, 38, riding a bicycle around Peterborough city centre in the early hours of March 25, before stopping to make an exchange with a group of known drug users.

Police were alerted and stopped Walker in Lincoln Road, near Manor House Street, where she was searched and found to be in possession of £145 in cash and a “burner” mobile phone.

She was taken to Thorpe Wood Police Station to be strip-searched where 28 wraps of crack cocaine and heroin were found concealed in her bra, resulting in her arrest.

Walker, of no fixed address, appeared at Huntingdon Law Court on Monday June 24 where she was sentenced to two years and seven months in prison after previously admitting possession with intent to supply crack cocaine and heroin.

Detective Constable Andrew Donaldson, who investigated, said: “Walker is a prolific offender with 43 convictions for a total of 117 offences against her name, and has failed to appear in court several times.

“While the amount of drugs found on her wasn’t a particularly large amount, due to her offending history she has now landed herself back in prison.

“We often receive complaints about drug dealing and anti-social behaviour in the area Walker was found. This was a great spot by CCTV operators, through their observation our response officers were able to deploy to the area and catch Walker in the act.”

Anyone with concerns or information about drugs can report to police online via the dedicated drugs information webpage.