In pictures: 13 more great shots of the iconic Red Arrows soaring into Southend

Busy - crowds flocked to see the iconic aircraft <i>(Image: Lis Orford)</i>
Busy - crowds flocked to see the iconic aircraft (Image: Lis Orford)

The legendary Red Arrows roared into Southend once again with crowds gathering to see the famous red-painted jets.

Plane spotters were delighted as the Red Arrows landed at Southend Airport in formation yesterday, while they took part in the Folkestone Armed Forces Day display.

Flyover - Michael Lewis took this brilliant photo (Image: Michael Lewis)

The world-famous display team with their distinctive Hawk jets arrived at the airport after lunchtime, giving enthusiasts plenty of time to see them as they set off for the display at 5pm and returned to Southend later at 5.42pm.

Take off - the Red Arrows leaving for Folkestone (Image: Simon Murdoch)

Echo camera club members flocked to the airport to take brilliant pictures of their arrival and take-off, with many wishing for the Southend Airshow - which ended in 2012 - to return.

Eager - crowds near Southend Airport await the arrival (Image: Sophie Stranks)

This comes after the airport hosted the famous RAF aircraft as well as the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight over the past two summers while they took part in the Eastbourne Airshow.

Formation - the Red Arrows roaring over Southend (Image: Paul Skelton)

Visitors were even treated to a "mini Southend Airshow" in 2022 as Southend Jet Centre was open all weekend for visitors to see the Red Arrows up close, with all funds going to charity.

However, last summer the airport was unable to host any events or offer ramp tours for plane spotters hoping to witness the Red Arrows team in person due to safety precautions and its increase in flights with easyJet.

Lining up - the Red Arrows on the runway (Image: Florence Jennifer Geary)

Scroll down to see more photos by the Echo's camera club members

Stunning - ten Red Arrows arrive (Image: Simon Murdoch)

Give us a wave - the display team wave to the crowd (Image: Kevin Cocksedge)

Matching - Frank the dog met the main men (Image: Lis Orford)

Precision - Susan Pritchard got this great shot (Image: Susan Pritchard)

Smoke - the team taking off (Image: Sharron Page)

On the runway - Richard Vyse got this close-up (Image: Richard Vyse)

Going up - one of the Red Arrows captured by Kevin Cocksedge (Image: Kevin Cocksedge)