IN PICTURES: Thousands 'shine together' at this year's Mazey Day in Penzance

Thousands celebrated Mazey Day at the weekend <i>(Image: Howard Phillips)</i>
Thousands celebrated Mazey Day at the weekend (Image: Howard Phillips)

A sea of colour and happy faces filled the streets of Penzance this weekend as the town celebrated the long-standing tradition of the Golowan Festival.

This year marked the 34th year of its revival, with the theme “Together, We Shine” aiming to “celebrate all that is brilliant and inspirational about our community, past and present.”

One of the main events of the ten-day festival, Mazey Day, took place on Saturday, June 29.

Thousands of people lined the streets to see the parade come through. Children and teachers from local schools were joined by clubs and organizations in and around Penzance.

Sculpture of the legendary Humphry Davy gets carried through Penzance (Image: Howard Phillips)

This year, the town was surprised by a variety of handmade sculptures, including a Koi Carp, a mermaid, a bumble bee, and even a huge sculpture of Humphry Davy.

The parade was led by Penzance mayor Stephen Reynolds, who commented ahead of the event. He said: “This year’s Golowan theme could not be more fitting – celebrating the togetherness that not only makes us shine but also builds our resilience and community spirit in an uncertain world.

“I’m especially pleased that this year, we are welcoming the bagad marching band from Concarneau, our twin town in Brittany, who will lead the Civic Parade on Mazey Day – shining a light on our shared Celtic traditions and heritage.

“Golowan is a unique, one-of-a-kind festival that brings the generations together in a celebration of who we are.

“I am proud and honoured to be part of it again this year.”

A lot of happy faces! (Image: Howard Phillips)

Penzance Council also contributed to this year's festival with generous funding of £33,500.

Becky Orchard, communications officer at Penzance Council, praised the success of the festival, highlighting the vibrant atmosphere and large crowds. "It was a special touch to have the Bagad marching band from Concarneau, our twin town in Brittany, leading the parade," she added.