Plymouth City Council Compton local elections candidates

Voters in Plymouth go to the polls in the May local elections for Plymouth City Council. Here are the candidates for the Compton ward - and why they say you should vote for them.



Richard works as an accountant for a major UK cancer charity. He also plays an active part in the charity sector as Chair of the Charity Tax Group. He believes that Plymouth has been shortchanged for years and that this needs to change.

Richard lives in the Compton Ward where he is standing and wants to bring people together to help release the potential of the ward and the city. He believes it can happen!


I’ve been a Compton Ward Councillor for the past 3 years and have really enjoyed working with the residents and community groups to enrich the area and help make them proud of where they live. We have amazing people who are proactive and I love working with them to bring the best to Compton.

I arrived on Plymouth shores 26 years ago now, with the Royal Navy, and knew this was the place I wanted to bring my children up and I’ve never regretted that decision! Being a Councillor and being able to give back to my adopted city, has been an absolute pleasure and I’d love to continue to do so.


I work as a Public Health Nurse after retraining during lockdown. I have a lifetime of experience supporting the public in a variety of roles, from Gym Instructor to Practice Manager. I hope to support residents in Compton, Mannamead and Mutley Plain by focusing on road safety, public transport, littering and housing issues.


Born and bred in Plymouth, I work in the NHS and care about local issues and what is happening. I am very passionate about reforming Britain, from Improving the NHS and waiting times to getting value for your money from Plymouth council! Vote Reform for a positive change.


The Labour and Co-Operative Candidate for Compton ward is Matt Smith. Matt, who went to Compton Primary School and now lives off Mutley Plain, works for a leading national health charity.

He is committed to fighting for our local NHS services, tackling the climate emergency and ensuring that we have good quality, affordable housing for everyone in Compton ward. “It would be a huge honour to represent our area on the council,” said Matt.

“Compton is a fantastic community that I know so well. Residents here are people I grew up with, went to school with, many are friends and I will be a tireless advocate on their behalf.”


Hey I'm Matthew!

Working in privatised care, I have seen staff overworked and underpaid which continues to this day so the maximum amount of profit is being extracted from workers.

The continued council cuts and cuts to the public sector have left the NHS in ruin and waiting times are larger than we have ever seen them. This systematic break down of the NHS needs to stop as it leaves all health sectors in shambles including the private sector. My job has become harder as I deal with mental health and waiting times add more stress to the people affected.

If elected TUSC would work hard to lobby the government to release much needed funding for our NHS as a clap from 3 years ago isn't enough. For the last two years the cost of living has only gotten harder as wars and inflation rise.

Nationally, we would want to see water and energy companies renationalised and locally we want to bring buses and schools back under local authority control to keep costs down and services up. We would also lobby central government to call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza to end the bloodshed and avoid further regional escalation.