Plymouth eyesores demolition met with scepticism

The two buildings in Tavistock Place which have been earmarked for demolition
-Credit: (Image: Plymouth City Centre)

Plymouth Live readers have been discussing the plans to demolish several buildings including a one-time 19th-century school which later turned into a museum storage facility by Plymouth City Council. This move to tear down the 38-39 Tavistock Place building comes on the heels of The Box museum and art gallery opening its doors four years ago making the older building redundant.

With funding in hand from levelling-up initiatives, the council seeks to expand the area into a more significant 'cultural quarter'.

The council, which owns the land, is asking itself for permission as the planning authority to demolish the museum annexe and adjoining social club and store.

King_of_lipson commented: "I used to play darts in the Plymouth Social Club building there. A proper dump but good memories. I will miss it for one but that's progress!"

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While PPPPPPPP said: "What will happen is - The Plymouth planners will decide that, student flats can be built on the top floors, Whilst underneath there will be cafes and a couple of shops. Here's something completely out of the box thinking; what about a secure safe area that the people of Plymouth can come and sit in, with maybe a couple of cafe, (with) one selling real food, another for Vegans, little swings slide picnic area maybe a pool or model boat sailing pond. But I won't hold my breath, look at what they have done to the city centre the new area, boring."

Eastparky replied: "The sooner the better but with the council's record I fear PPPPPPP may be right. retail on the ground floor that will stand empty for years and more student digs on the upper floors. Same old, same old."

Plainolme said: "Student flats at top with cafes and shops underneath.... but your out of the box plan is safe space with a couple of cafes? What is so different and out of the box compared to student flats and cafes? Additionally who will work these cafes if not students? Cafe jobs/waiting jobs are generally more suited to young people who are looking for some part time work to give them some (often ACTUALLY spent) spending money and something to stick on their cv..."

PlymoDan said: "It's so lovely that they are getting rid of these historic old buildings so that one day, in the distant future (after we've had a chance to enjoy a patch of derelict land), we can all glory in some beautiful lump of non-descript glass, concrete and steel. A proud statement of some unheard of architect's ego that will help to make Plymouth look just like every other low-budget city."

AJGreen said: "Indeed, get with it, dear. Lose the old, unfit-for-any-modern-purpose, structures and move on."

Sunshine51 commented: "They are going to "level up" by "flattening the area"..."

Legendendary said: "Please add the palace theatre and the sorely graded former council offices."

Madcaplaughsagain disagreed by saying: "Palace Theatre needs saving, no matter what the cost. We can't keep demolishing what the Luftwaffe missed."

Do you agree that these plans are the best way forward? Let us know in the comments below of HERE.