The Plymouth groups saving lives and freeing people from 'torture'

Picture of an Alcoholics Anonymous patient. Picture: Matt Gilley/PlymouthLive
-Credit: (Image: Matt Gilley/PlymouthLive)

Plymouth Alcoholics Anonymous groups are helping people change their lives in the battle against drinking. The community of those in recovery attracts members from far and wide with one travelling 100 miles to stay in touch with this particular group.

Those attending are greeted by a completely non-judgemental environment. Attendees from all walks of life share their experiences openly, if they wish to, and everyone listens. Names have been changed in this article as anonymity is a vital part of the AA programme.

One of the many Plymouth groups has a busy open meeting which runs every Friday evening at Tothill Community Centre in St Judes - and it’s been running for 30 years. “If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, this is the place to come to", one member said.

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One woman, in her 30s, said she was a shy and sensitive teenager. Alcohol gave her confidence and to start with it was fun, but it "got bad really quickly". She found herself in “difficult situations as it started to unravel”.

She said: “I was having suicidal thoughts. I didn't drink in the morning, so I didn't see myself as an alcoholic, but it was all a mess. I felt fear and paranoia after drinking. I became a victim of life and was broken by the age of 17. I was so full of shame and so ashamed of myself.

“I couldn’t see a life sober, but I knew I couldn't carry on like that. At AA I was given a simple list of things to do and I just did them. Very quickly the obsession to drink was removed and I had hope that it would all be alright. I shared my fear, darkness and resentment and became free from the torture in my head. My life has changed completely and I’m stable.”

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Freddie drives from Somerset to attend the AA meeting at Tothill Community Centre where his sponsor - the only person he'll listen to - will be each week. Now in his 50s, he was in and out of prison from age 16 - 25 and also struggled with heroin addiction.

He said: “There was detox in prison, but it’s a world of illusion. It’s a merry-go-round of mayhem when you’re struggling with addiction. But here (at AA) I’ve had some of the best years of my life, because everyone is rowing in the same direction.

“For the first time in my life I identified with a group of people - and that began 27 years ago when I first came to this meeting. Within three months of my first AA meeting I was able to hold down a job, it’s a lifeline.”

One 55-year-old woman, Stacey described how she used to “party every night” in London and before she knew it, found herself homeless. She moved down to Devon as a “last shot” at life, but didn’t think it would work. Now, she’s turned her life around, looks much younger than her age - and is truly happy.

She said: “The stigma of AA stopped me coming at first. I moved around, changed jobs, tried therapy and counselling but nothing worked. But now, it’s like alcohol never existed. I’ve been coming here for 10 years and I've never relapsed.

“I go on holidays, go to gigs and I don’t mind being around people that are drinking. I sing sober at karaoke and I’m still the first up dancing at parties. It can be a fun life without alcohol - that’s what people need to hear.”

The 100 or so people attending the meeting said that AA is the “only thing” that’s kept them sober. There’s a hum of friendly chatter and attendees socialise for an hour before speakers get on the stage and share their life stories.

“You are no longer alone when you join us” one speaker said, adding that being honest is the key message here, accepting powerlessness over alcohol and anonymity is the greatest safeguard. There’s a minute’s silence to think of all the alcoholics that are still suffering.

Mark is in his 50s. He said: “Sometimes people develop alcohol issues due to childhood experiences, I do believe it’s an illness. I came here in 2010, I’d been trying to stop drinking since 2003 after several jail sentences. At age 23 I ended up in rehab and stopped drinking for a year, but then I started again. This meeting was different because I had a sponsor and the 12 step programme.

“I tried everything, but AA was the only thing that worked. I sat down with another alcoholic who’d recovered and this removed the problem. Since 2010 I’ve not drank. Anyone out there who can’t find their way out should try this.”

One man explained that he didn't experience alcoholism until age 40. Until then he drank “normally”. But as it escalated and he found himself drinking in secret, he reached out to AA for help and is now a year sober.

He said: “Keep going, you can recover and you can have a life that is better than it was before.”

If you would like to get in touch with AA, you can call 0800 917 7650 or get in touch via the website at

You can find a full list of Plymouth groups here.