Police make 23 arrests in major crackdown at one of poorest parts of North Wales

Police have arrested 23 people in a crackdown in one of the poorest parts of North Wales. Rhyl West has been blighted by crime and anti-social behaviour in recent years and is one of the most deprived parts of the country.

A month ago North Wales Police launched #RenewRhyl, a multi-agency partnership in the community, aimed at regenerating the area affected by serious and organised crime. Police said there has been lots of activity, both visible and ‘behind the scenes'.

Over 20 warrants have been executed under the Misuse of Drugs Act with many being positive. There are multiple investigations ongoing for “Possession with intent to supply” offences. These are currently awaiting forensic tests and phone downloads to gather the required evidence.

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In total there have been 23 arrests, 11 for drug related offences, 1 for public order, 4 for drug driving, 6 for Fail to Appear / Recall to prison, and one for burglary. Over 80 Stop Searches have been completed.

The Public Space Protection Order has been used 12 times to ban people from the area for 48hrs. Sixty four checks have been completed on people considered to be vulnerable to cuckooing for County Lines.

There have also been 19 traffic offences dealt with, and three Environmental Visual Assessments have been conducted and issues addressed. This has included graffiti, litter and generally areas looking untidy.

District Chief Inspector David Cust said: “The last month has seen a great deal of work being undertaken to get #RenewRHYL off the ground. In the past four weeks, we have seen several positive results from this.

“This initiative would not be possible without the close collaboration between ourselves, local partners and most importantly the residents and businesses of Rhyl West. Please stop and speak to the team and give them your ideas on what you would like to see happen to the area as we continue to evolve the project, #RenewRHYL.

“We will continue to disrupt all types of criminal activity so that we can build a stronger, safer community in Rhyl West, however I am sure the whole town will reap the benefits of these actions.”

Police are working alongside partner agencies and they have been looking at increasing opportunities to divert young people away from crime and focus on potential careers. They've also worked with British Transport Police to tackle the influx of drugs via the rail network and been joined by colleagues from Merseyside Police to target local drug dealers who are supplied from outside of the force area.

The NWP #Renew Team have also been working with Substance Misuse to get local drug users some support and hopefully reduce the demand for drugs in the area and local businesses have been visited by the Neighbourhood Policing Team, who have discussed local issues and increased patrols in response to these.

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