Police make discovery in area where teen was shot dead

The path at the bottom of the Liver Industrial Estate, known as the Loop Line
-Credit: (Image: Liverpool Echo)

Police have seized a "large sum of cash" and bags of cocaine following a crackdown in L9 in the wake of the murder of a young man in the area.

Ellis Cox, 19, was fatally shot on the Liver Industrial Estate in Aintree on the evening of Sunday, June 23.

After the shooting, Merseyside Police erected an extensive cordon around the industrial estate and set up a second cordon on Grace Road in Walton, which is connected to the industrial estate via a pathway linked to the Liverpool Loop Line.

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Neighbours told the ECHO the pathway is plagued by crime and anti-social behaviour. One man said: "There's a lot of violence there. You see loads of stolen, burnt bikes there all the time."

Following the shooting last week, police have started a clampdown in the area by carrying out patrols and stop searches around the Loop Line.

At around 8.20pm on Saturday, June 29, police on patrol on Longmoor Lane in Aintree stopped a car and carried out a search. They found a large sum of cash and small bags in the car. The driver, a 42 year-old man, was arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs.

Once he was in custody, police found bags of white powder and he was further arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply cocaine.

Following a house search, police found an air pistol and a knuckle duster and the man was also arrested on suspicion of possession of an offensive weapon. He has been released under investigation pending further enquiries.

At around 11pm on Friday, June 28, police stopped a 30-year-old man on a E-scooter on Longmoor Lane.

He was arrested on suspicion of drug driving and having no insurance and no licence. The scooter was also seized. He has been released under investigation pending further enquiries.

According to Merseyside Police, the disruption activity around the Loop Line and L9 area will continue for the foreseeable future.

Liverpool local policing Chief Inspector Sarah Rotherham said: “Following the fatal shooting in Aintree just over a week ago we have maintained a constant and visible presence in the L9 area to reassure the vast majority of hard working and law abiding people who live there.

“We know by carrying out patrols in key areas and by utilising tactics such as stop checks and stop searches we can disrupt criminals who make people’s lives a misery and have an impact on drug supply.

“We hope members of the public understand the work we are doing and support us and I would encourage anyone with questions to speak to officers or come forward with any information which could assist us.”

Anyone with information about criminality or drug dealing in their area can DM @MerPolCC or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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